1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 754 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 326.38, is amended to read:
1.5 Any city having a system of waterworks or sewerage, or any town in which reside
1.6over 5,000 people exclusive of any statutory cities located therein, or the metropolitan
1.7airports commission, may, by ordinance, adopt local regulations providing for plumbing
1.8permits, bonds, approval of plans, and inspections of plumbing, which regulations are
1.9not in conflict with the plumbing standards on the same subject prescribed by the state
1.10commissioner of
health labor and industry. No city or such town shall prohibit plumbers
1.11licensed by the state commissioner of
health labor and industry from engaging in or
1.12working at the business, except cities and statutory cities which, prior to April 21, 1933,
1.13by ordinance required the licensing of plumbers.
No city or town may require a license
1.14for persons performing building sewer or water service installation who have completed
1.15pipe laying training as prescribed by the commissioner of labor and industry. Any city
1.16by ordinance may prescribe regulations, reasonable standards, and inspections and grant
1.17permits to any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of installing water
1.18softeners, who is not licensed as a master plumber or journeyman plumber by the state
1.19commissioner of
health labor and industry, to connect water softening and water filtering
1.20equipment to private residence water distribution systems, where provision has been
1.21previously made therefor and openings left for that purpose or by use of cold water
1.22connections to a domestic water heater; where it is not necessary to rearrange, make any
1.23extension or alteration of, or addition to any pipe, fixture or plumbing connected with
1.24the water system except to connect the water softener, and provided the connections so
1.25made comply with minimum standards prescribed by the state commissioner of
1.26labor and industry.
2.1 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 326.40, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
2.2 Subdivision 1.
License required; master and journeyman plumbers. In any city
2.3now or hereafter having 5,000 or more population, according to the last federal census,
2.4and having a system of waterworks or sewerage, (a) No person, firm, or corporation shall
2.5engage in or work at the business of a master plumber
or, restricted master plumber,
2.6journeyman plumber
, and restricted journeyman plumber unless licensed to do so by the
2.7state commissioner of
health labor and industry.
A license is not required for persons
2.8performing building sewer or water service installation who have completed pipe laying
2.9training as prescribed by the commissioner of labor and industry. A master plumber may
2.10also work as a journeyman plumber
, a restricted journeyman plumber, and a restricted
2.11master plumber. A journeyman plumber may also work as a restricted journeyman
2.12plumber. Anyone not so licensed may do plumbing work which complies with the
2.13provisions of the minimum standard prescribed by the state commissioner of
health labor
2.14and industry on premises or that part of premises owned and actually occupied by the
2.15worker as a residence, unless otherwise forbidden to do so by a local ordinance.
2.16 In any such city (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in the business of
2.17installing plumbing nor install plumbing in connection with the dealing in and selling
2.18of plumbing material and supplies unless at all times a licensed master plumber,
or in
2.19cities and towns with a population of fewer than 5,000 according to the federal census a
2.20restricted master plumber, who shall be responsible for proper installation, is in charge
2.21of the plumbing work of the person, firm, or corporation.
2.22 The Department of
Health Labor and Industry shall prescribe rules, not inconsistent
2.23herewith, for the examination and licensing of plumbers.
2.24 Sec. 3.
2.25 Subdivision 1. Licensure. The commissioner of labor and industry shall grant a
2.26restricted journeyman or master plumber license to an individual if:
2.27 (1) the individual completes an application with information required by the
2.28commissioner of labor and industry;
2.29 (2) the completed application is accompanied by a fee of $90;
2.30 (3) the commissioner of labor and industry receives the completed application and
2.31fee before January 1, 2008;
2.32 (4) the completed application demonstrates that the applicant has had at least two
2.33years for a restricted journeyman plumber license or four years for a restricted master
2.34plumber license of practical plumbing experience in the plumbing trade prior to the
2.35application; and
3.1 (5) during the entire time for which the applicant is claiming experience in
3.2contracting for plumbing work under clause (4), the applicant was in compliance with all
3.3applicable requirements of section 326.40.
3.4 Subd. 2. Use of license. A restricted master plumber and restricted journeyman
3.5plumber may engage in the plumbing trade in all areas of the state except in cities and
3.6towns with a population of more than 5,000 according to the federal census.
3.7 Subd. 3. Application period. Applications for restricted master plumber and
3.8restricted journeyman plumber licenses must be submitted to the commissioner prior
3.9to January 1, 2008.
3.10 Subd. 4. Renewal; use period for license. A restricted master plumber and
3.11restricted journeyman plumber license must be renewed annually for as long as that
3.12licensee engages in the plumbing trade. Failure to renew a restricted master plumber and
3.13restricted journeyman plumber license within 12 months after the expiration date will
3.14result in permanent forfeiture of the restricted master plumber and restricted journeyman
3.15plumber license.
3.16 Subd. 5. Prohibition of transference. A restricted master plumber and restricted
3.17journeyman plumber license may not be transferred or sold to any other person.
3.18 Subd. 6. Bond; insurance. A restricted master plumber licensee is subject to the
3.19bond and insurance requirements of section 326.40, subdivision 2, unless the exemption
3.20provided by section 326.40, subdivision 3, applies.
3.21 Subd. 7. Fee. The annual fee for the restricted master plumber and restricted
3.22journeyman plumber licenses is the same fee as for a master or journeyman plumber
3.23license, respectively.
3.24 Sec. 4.
3.25Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 326.45, is repealed."
3.26Amend the title accordingly