1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 790 as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 15, delete the new language and insert "
shall have the position of
1.3vice-chair rotate annually among its members. In the"
1.4Page 4, line 21, delete "
1.5Page 5, line 10, delete everything after the period and insert "
A determination to
1.6reject a proposed project shall"
1.7Page 5, line 11, delete "
substantial" and insert "
1.8Page 11, line 14, after "after" insert "
applying for" and after "sources" insert "
1.9funding" and strike "applied for,"
1.10Page 20, line 26, strike "such" and insert "
1.11Page 21, line 9, strike "such" and insert "
1.12Page 23, line 13, before "Applicants" insert "
1.13Page 23, after line 22, insert:
1.14 "
(b) Each project must be certified by the commissioner of transportation under
1.15subdivision 8 before its consideration by the authority."
1.16Page 24, line 3, strike "When making loans from the transportation revolving"
1.17Page 24, line 4, strike "loan fund, the" and delete "
authority" and strike "shall
1.18comply with the applicable"
1.19Page 24, line 5, strike everything before "a"
1.20Page 24, line 33, after "
Authority" insert "
Duties" and reinstate the stricken "and"
1.21Page 24, line 34, strike ", adopt rules for," and after "and" insert "
adopt rules to "
1.22Page 24, line 35, strike "the" and strike "of"
1.23Page 24, line 36, strike "the act" and insert "
this section"