1.1 .................... moves to amend the A07-0651 amendment to H. F. No. 297, the delete
1.2everything amendment (A07-0645), as follows:
1.3Page 24, line 14, strike "and"
1.4Page 24, line 15, strike the period and insert a semicolon
1.5Page 24, after line 15, insert:
1.6 "
(9) information on the number of available hospital beds that are dedicated to
1.7certain specialized services, as designated by the commissioner, and annual occupancy
1.8rates for those beds, separately for adult and pediatric care;
1.9 (10) from outpatient surgical centers, the total number of surgeries; and
1.10 (11) a report on health care capital expenditures during the previous year, as required
1.11by section 62J.17."
1.12Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.13Amend the title accordingly