1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 743 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 $....... is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of employment
1.5and economic development for grants to nonprofit organizations for programs that
1.6encourage and assist women to enter careers in the trades and in manual and STEM
1.7(science, technology, energy, and math) occupations. The appropriation is available until
1.8June 30, 2009.
1.9 To be eligible for a grant under this section, a program must include at least one of
1.10the following:
1.11 (1) outreach to girls and women through public and private elementary, junior high
1.12and high schools, appropriate community organizations, or existing state and county
1.13employment and training programs. The outreach must consist of general information
1.14concerning opportunities for women in the trades and manual and STEM occupations,
1.15including specific fields where worker shortages exist and specific information about
1.16training programs offered. The outreach may include printed or recorded information,
1.17hands-on experiences for women and girls, presentations to women and girls, or ongoing
1.18contact with appropriate staff; or
1.19 (2) assistance for women to enter careers in the trades and manual and STEM
1.20occupations as follows:
1.21 (i) training designed to prepare women to succeed in these occupations, conducted
1.22by the grantee or in collaboration with another institution. The training must cover the
1.23knowledge and skills required for the occupation, information about on-the-job realities
1.24for women in the particular occupation, physical strength, and stamina training as needed,
1.25opportunities for developing workplace problem-solving skills, and information about the
1.26current and projected future job market and likely career paths;
2.1 (ii) assistance with child care and transportation during training, job search, and the
2.2first two months of employment for low-income women;
2.3 (iii) job placement assistance during and for at least two years after completion of
2.4the training program; and
2.5 (iv) job retention support. This may take the form of mentorship programs, support
2.6groups, or ongoing staff contact for at least the first year of placement in a job after
2.7completion of training, and should include access to job-related information, assistance
2.8with workplace issues resolution, and access to advocacy.
2.9 Approved programs must be accessible to MFIP-S participants and other
2.10low-income women. Factors that contribute to accessibility include: affordability of
2.11tuition and supplies; geographic proximity to low-income neighborhoods, child care, and
2.12transportation routes; and flexibility of hours per week and duration of program to be
2.13compatible with family needs and the need for employment during training.
2.14 All state-funded employment and training programs must include information about
2.15opportunities for women in careers in the trades and manual and STEM occupations."
2.16Delete the title and insert:
2.18relating to employment; appropriating money for grants to encourage women
2.19to enter careers in the trades and manual and science, technology, energy, and
2.20math occupations."