1.1.................... moves to amend H. F. No. .... as follows:
1.2Page .., after line .., insert:
1.3 "Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 136A.101, subdivision 5a,
1.4is amended to read:
1.5 Subd. 5a.
Assigned family responsibility. "Assigned family responsibility" means
1.6the amount of a family's contribution to a student's cost of attendance, as determined by a
1.7federal need analysis. For dependent students, the assigned family responsibility is
96 93
1.8percent of the parental contribution. For independent students with dependents other than
1.9a spouse, the assigned family responsibility is
86 83 percent of the student contribution.
1.10For independent students without dependents other than a spouse, the assigned family
1.11responsibility is
68 65 percent of the student contribution."
1.12Page .., after line .., insert:
1.13 "Sec. .... Laws 2007, chapter 144, article 1, section 3, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. State Grants
1.15If the appropriation in this subdivision for
1.16either year is insufficient, the appropriation
1.17for the other year is available for it.
1.18For the biennium, the tuition maximum for
1.19students in four-year programs is $9,838
each year the first year and $10,133 in
1.21the second year for students in four-year
1.22programs, and for students in two-year
1.23programs, is $6,114 in the first year and
1.24$5,808 in the second year.
1.25This appropriation sets the living and
1.26miscellaneous expense allowance at $5,900
2.1each year the first year and $6,077 the second
2.3Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.4Amend the title accordingly