1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3135 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 3.987, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.4 Subdivision 1.
Local impact notes. The commissioner of finance shall coordinate
1.5the development of a local impact note for any proposed legislation introduced after June
1.630, 1997, or any rule proposed after December 31, 1999, upon request of the chair or the
1.7ranking minority member of
either legislative Tax Committee a legislative committee with
1.8jurisdiction over the proposed legislation. Upon receipt of a request to prepare a local
1.9impact note, the commissioner must notify the authors of the proposed legislation or, for
1.10an administrative rule, the head of the relevant executive agency or department, that the
1.11request has been made. The local impact note must be made available to the public upon
1.12request. If the action is among the exceptions listed in section
3.988, a local impact note
1.13need not be requested nor prepared. The commissioner shall make a reasonable and timely
1.14estimate of the local fiscal impact on each type of political subdivision that would result
1.15from the proposed legislation. The commissioner of finance may require any political
1.16subdivision or the commissioner of an administrative agency of the state to supply in
1.17a timely manner any information determined to be necessary to determine local fiscal
1.18impact. The political subdivision, its representative association, or commissioner shall
1.19convey the requested information to the commissioner of finance with a signed statement
1.20to the effect that the information is accurate and complete to the best of its ability. The
1.21political subdivision, its representative association, or commissioner, when requested,
1.22shall update its determination of local fiscal impact based on actual cost or revenue
1.23figures, improved estimates, or both. Upon completion of the note, the commissioner must
1.24provide a copy to the authors of the proposed legislation
, as well as the chair and ranking
1.25minority member of all committees to which a bill is referred, or, for an administrative
1.26rule, to the head of the relevant executive agency or department."