1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 3972 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 23, delete "11,789,000" and insert "12,787,000" in both places
1.3Page 1, line 27, delete "(865,000)" and insert "133,000" in both places
1.4Page 3, line 21, delete "Access"
1.5Page 3, line 22, delete "Minnesota" and insert "assistance plan"
1.6Page 3, lines 26 and 29, delete "10,620,000" and insert "11,620,000"
1.7Page 6, after line 30, insert:
1.8"$1,000,000 in the second year is for the
1.9veterans business assistance program in
1.10Minnesota Statutes, section 116J.996. This
1.11amount is added to the department's base and
1.12is available until expended."
1.13Page 8, line 33, delete "(41,000)" and insert "(43,000)"
1.14Page 9, line 1, delete "$41,000" and insert "$43,000"
1.15Page 12, after line 5, insert:
1.16"EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."
1.17Page 37, line 16, delete ", including principal and interest,"
1.18Page 38, line 13, delete "was deployed or discharged after"
1.19Page 38, line 14, delete "September 11, 2001,"
1.20Page 38, line 15, after "conditions" insert "within the last 36 months" and after "and"
1.21insert "(i) is unemployed or (ii)"
1.22Page 38, line 16, delete ", given additional marketable skills obtained during