1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3316 as follows:
1.2Page .., after line .., insert:
1.3 "Sec. ... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 123B.04, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
1.4 Subd. 2.
Agreement. (a) Upon the request of 60 percent of the licensed employees
1.5of a site or a school site decision-making team, the school board shall enter into
1.6discussions to reach an agreement concerning the governance, management, or control of
1.7the school. A school site decision-making team may include the school principal, teachers
1.8in the school or their designee, other employees in the school, representatives of pupils
1.9in the school, or other members in the community. A school site decision-making team
1.10must include at least one parent of a pupil in the school. For purposes of formation of a
1.11new site, a school site decision-making team may be a team of teachers that is recognized
1.12by the board as a site. The school site decision-making team shall include the school
1.13principal or other person having general control and supervision of the school. The site
1.14decision-making team must reflect the diversity of the education site. At least one-half
1.15of the members shall be employees of the district, unless an employee is the parent of a
1.16student enrolled in the school site, in which case the employee may elect to serve as a
1.17parent member of the site team.
1.18 (b) School site decision-making agreements must delegate powers, duties, and
1.19broad management responsibilities to site teams and involve staff members, students as
1.20appropriate, and parents in decision making.
1.21 (c) An agreement shall include a statement of powers, duties, responsibilities, and
1.22authority to be delegated to and within the site.
1.23 (d) An agreement may include:
1.24 (1) an achievement contract according to subdivision 4;
1.25 (2) a mechanism to allow principals, a site leadership team, or other persons having
1.26general control and supervision of the school, to make decisions regarding how financial
2.1and personnel resources are best allocated at the site and from whom goods or services
2.2are purchased;
2.3 (3) a mechanism to implement parental involvement programs under section
and to provide for effective parental communication and feedback on this
2.5involvement at the site level;
2.6 (4) a provision that would allow the team to determine who is hired into licensed
2.7and nonlicensed positions;
2.8 (5) a provision that would allow teachers to choose the principal or other person
2.9having general control;
2.10 (6) an amount of revenue allocated to the site under subdivision 3; and
2.11 (7) any other powers and duties determined appropriate by the board.
2.12 The school board of the district remains the legal employer under clauses (4) and (5).
2.13 (e) Any powers or duties not delegated to the school site management team in the
2.14school site management agreement shall remain with the school board.
2.15 (f) Approved agreements shall be filed with the commissioner. If a school board
2.16denies a request or the school site and school board fail to reach an agreement to enter
2.17into a school site management agreement,
the school board shall provide a copy of the
2.18request and the reasons for its denial to the commissioner either party may petition the
2.19commissioner for a ruling on the decision.
2.20 (g) A site decision-making grant program is established, consistent with this
2.21subdivision, to allow sites to implement an agreement that at least:
2.22 (1) notwithstanding subdivision 3, allocates to the site all revenue that is attributable
2.23to the students at that site;
2.24 (2) includes a provision, consistent with current law and the collective bargaining
2.25agreement in effect, that allows the site team to decide who is selected from within the
2.26district for licensed and nonlicensed positions at the site and to make staff assignments
2.27in the site; and
2.28 (3) includes a completed performance agreement under subdivision 4.
2.29 The commissioner shall establish the form and manner of the application for a grant
2.30and annually, at the end of each fiscal year, report to the house of representatives and
2.31senate committees having jurisdiction over education on the progress of the program."
2.32Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.33Amend the title accordingly