1.1.................... moves to amend H. F. No. 863, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 11, delete "
1.3Page 2, after line 11, insert:
1.4 "
(4) the 15-year or 150,000-mile extended warranty specified in California Code of
1.5Regulations, title 13, section 1962, for partial zero emission vehicles shall not be included
1.6as a requirement of the rules provided that partial zero emission vehicles delivered for
1.7sale to Minnesota are equipped with the same quality components as partial zero emission
1.8vehicles supplied to areas where the full 15-year or 150,000-mile warranty remains in
1.9effect. This section does not amend the requirements of California Code of Regulations,
1.10title 13, section 1962, that indicate the warranty period for a zero emission energy storage
1.11device used for traction power will be ten years; and"
1.12Page 2, line 12, delete "
(4)" and insert "