1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3158 as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete line 12 and insert "
comprised of the parcels listed in clause (1) or (2):"
1.3Page 1, delete lines 13 to 15 and insert:
1.4 "
(1) Lake Park Add Lot-010 Block-010 & Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City;
1.5Lake Park Add Lot-011 Block-010 & Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City; Lake Park
1.6Add Lot-012 Block-010 & Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City; Lake Park Add Lot-013
1.7Block-010 & Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City; Lake Park Add Lot-014 Block-010 &
1.8Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City; Lake Park Add Lot-015 Block-010 & Vacated Alley
1.9Adjacent Lake Park Addition Oakdale City; Lake Park Add Lot-021 Block-010 Lots 21 &
1.1022 Block 10 Lake Park Addition Oakdale City; Lake Park Add Lot-023 Block-010 Lots
1.1123 & 24 Block 10 Lake Park Addition Oakdale City; Lake Park Add Lot-016 Block-010
1.12N 1/2 Of Lot 16 010 Except Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City; Lake Park Add
1.13Lot-017 Block-010 Except Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City; Lake Park Add Lot-018
1.14Block-010 Lots 18-19-20 010 Except Vacated Alley Adjacent Oakdale City; Tanner's Lake
1.15(B1 & L1-7, B2) Lot-001 Block-001 Lots 1-2 & 3 001 Tanner's Lake Add & Ely 33Ft Of
1.16Old Th No. 120 R/W; and Tanner's Lake (B1 & L1-7, B2) Lot-004 Block-001 Lots 4 to 12
1.17001 Tanner's Lake Add & Vacated 33Ft Th No. 120 R/W Adjacent Oakdale City; and
1.18 (2) Sect-29 Twp-029 Range-021 SW1/4 of SW1/4 292921 Exc Wly 33 Ft & Exc
1.19Sly 33 Ft Exc 57029-2050 2100 & 2150 Sub To Ease To Hwy Sub To Sewer Ease Exc
1.2057029-2002 & 2003 Exc 57029-2005; and Sect-29 Twp-029 Range-021 Pt SW1/4 Of
1.21SW1/4 292921 Being The E 175 Ft Sub To Ease To Hwy Exc 57029-2005."