1.1 .................... moves to amend S.F. No. 2492, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 18, after line 26, insert:
(i) Alternative Energy Development for
1.4Phillips Community
1.5$250,000 is from the trust fund for a grant
1.6to Kandiyohi Development Partners to
1.7study, model, and prepare preliminary
1.8design alternatives to nonbiomass
1.9burning, renewable energy systems for
1.10the Phillips community in Minneapolis,
1.11while considering environmental impacts
1.12on the community, and to identify and
1.13study alternative sites for a renewable
1.14biomass combined heat and power facility
1.15outside of the Phillips community or other
1.16environmental justice designated community.
1.17The grant shall be used to work with the
1.18community on developing an energy project
1.19that will utilize industrial properties for job
1.20creation, education, and environmentally
1.21sustainable improvements to the community.
1.22The research will coordinate with area
1.23residents, the Midtown Exchange, hospitals,
1.24and other commercial businesses to
1.25determine ways to lower their emissions
1.26while providing cost effective renewable
2.1sources of heating and cooling. Initial efforts
2.2will look at solar thermal, geothermal, and
2.3solar energy applications."