1.1 .................... moves to amend HRD-DRAFTHOUSERULES2007-2 as follows:
1.2Page 14, line 26, after the period insert "
The budget resolution must be debated and
1.3adopted by the House within 5 days of passage from the Ways and Means committee."
1.4Page 14, line 32, delete "
Committee" and insert "
1.5Page 15, line 2, after adopted insert "
and ratified by the House"
1.6Page 15, line 6, delete "
Committee" and insert "
1.7Page 15, line 27, before "
Committee" insert "
House, the"
1.8Page 15, line 32, delete "
Committee on Ways and Means," and insert "
1.9Page 16, line 1, delete "
Committee on Ways and Means" and insert "
1.10Page 16, line 13, delete "
Committee on Ways and Means, the Committee" and insert
House, the Committee on Ways and Means"