1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 6, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 21, after line 16, insert:
1.3 "Sec. 31. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 126C.48, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.4 Subdivision 1.
Certify levy limits. (a) By September 8, the commissioner shall
1.5notify the school districts of their levy limits. The commissioner shall certify to the county
1.6auditors the levy limits for all districts headquartered in the respective counties together
1.7with adjustments for errors in levies not penalized pursuant to subdivision 3, as well as
1.8adjustments to final pupil unit counts. A district may require the commissioner to review
1.9the certification and to present evidence in support of modification of the certification.
1.10 The county auditor shall reduce levies for any excess of levies over levy limitations
1.11pursuant to section
275.16. Such reduction in excess levies may, at the discretion of the
1.12school district, be spread over two calendar years.
1.13 (b) As part of the commissioner's certification under paragraph (a), the commissioner
1.14shall certify the amount by which a district's levy for its general fund was reduced under
1.15subdivision 8.
1.16 (c) For taxes payable in 2010 and later, the commissioner must not certify a levy
1.17limit for a school district for any levy authorized in statute unless that levy authority has
1.18been approved by the district's voters at a general election according to paragraph (d) or
1.19the levy is required to make a bond payment for a school bond issue that was approved
1.20prior to July 1, 2007.
1.21 (d) For taxes payable in 2010 and later, a school district may levy for amounts that
1.22have been approved by the district's voters under section 126C.17 or chapter 475. For other
1.23school district levies, the district may levy the amounts authorized by statute that have
1.24been approved by a majority of the electors voting on the question to approve these levies.
1.25The election must be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The
1.26ballot must provide a general description of these levies and state the estimated amount of
2.1the levies for the following school year. The ballot must contain a textual portion with the
2.2information required by this paragraph and a question stating substantially the following:
2.3"Shall the levies proposed by the board of ..... School District No. .... be approved?"
2.4If approved, the levies may be included in the amounts certified under this section."
2.5Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.6Amend the title accordingly