1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 132, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, after line 18, insert:
1.3 "
(2) the general manager of the bioscience business incubator facility established in
1.42003 as a 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code and located adjacent to
1.5the University of Minnesota bus transit way in St. Paul, Minnesota;"
1.6Page 2, line 19, delete "
2" insert "
1.7Page 2, line 21, delete "
3" insert "
1.8Page 2, line 23, delete "
4" insert "
1.9Page 2, line 25, delete "
5" insert "
1.10Page 2, line 27, delete "
6" insert "
1.11Page 2, line 29, after the period insert "
All members appointed by the governor
1.12shall be residents of the state."
1.13Page 2, line 35, after the period insert "
Except for current legislators and members
1.14appointed under clauses (1) and (2), the terms, removal of members, and filling of
1.15vacancies for authority members shall be as provided in section 15.0575. Compensation
1.16of members, other than current legislators, is as provided in section 15.0575. The chair
1.17of the authority shall be designated by the governor from among the voting members of
1.18the authority."
1.19Page 3, after line 36, insert:
1.20 "
Subd. 7. Sunset. The authority established under this section expires on June 30,
1.212019, or two years after the last approved project is completed, whichever occurs sooner."
1.22Page 5, line 25, after the period insert "
Beginning in calendar year 2008, the
1.23authority must report to the legislature by March 1 of each year on all projects approved
1.24by the authority during the preceding 12 months."