1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 176 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

1.4    Subdivision 1. Study. The chief information officer of the state shall study
1.5how electronic documents and the mechanisms and processes for accessing and
1.6reading electronic data can be created, maintained, exchanged, and preserved by the
1.7state in a manner that encourages appropriate government control, access, choice,
1.8and interoperability. The study must consider, but not be limited to, the policies of
1.9other states and nations, management guidelines for state archives as they pertain to
1.10electronic documents, public access, expected storage life of electronic documents, costs
1.11of implementation, and savings. The chief information officer shall solicit comments
1.12regarding the creation, maintenance, exchange, and preservation of electronic documents
1.13by the state from stakeholders, including but not limited to, the legislative auditor,
1.14the attorney general, the state archivist, the state legislative reference librarian, other
1.15librarians, representatives of the state historical society, and other historians. The chief
1.16information officer shall also solicit comments from members of the public.
1.17    Subd. 2. Report and recommendation. The chief information officer shall
1.18report the officer's findings and recommendations to the chairs of the senate State
1.19and Local Government Operations and Oversight Committee; House Government
1.20Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections Committee; and the senate and house State
1.21Government Finance Divisions by January 15, 2008."
1.22Amend the title accordingly