1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 196 as follows:
1.2Page 24, delete subdivision 3
1.3Page 24, line 7, delete "
Subd. 4." and insert "
Subd. 3."
1.4Page 24, line 11, delete "
Subd. 5." and insert "
Subd. 4."
1.5Page 24, line 16, delete "
Subd. 6." and insert "
Subd. 5."
1.6Page 24, line 19, delete "
Subd. 7." and insert "
Subd. 6."
1.7Page 24, line 22, delete "
Subd. 8." and insert "
Subd. 7."
1.8Page 24, line 25, delete "
Subd. 9." and insert "
Subd. 8."
1.9Page 24, line 28, delete "
Subd. 10." and insert "
Subd. 9."
1.10Page 46, delete subdivision 3 and insert:
1.11 "
Subd. 3. Suicide prevention programs. $....... in fiscal year 2008 and $....... in
1.12fiscal year 2009 are appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of health to
1.13fund the suicide prevention program and to administer grants for institutions of higher
1.14education in the state of Minnesota to coordinate implementation of youth suicide early
1.15intervention and prevention strategies."