1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 196 as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete section 1
1.3Page 6, line 30, after the period insert "
At a minimum, one project must be located
1.4outside the seven-county metropolitan area."
1.5Page 8, after line 26, insert:
1.6 "Sec. 6.
1.7 The commissioner of corrections shall develop a protocol that is fair, firm, and
1.8consistent so that inmates have an opportunity to earn their way out of disciplinary
1.9confinement. For those inmates in disciplinary confinement who are nearing their release
1.10date, the commissioner of corrections shall develop a reentry plan."
1.11Page 22 , after line 29, insert:
1.12 "
(b) Special projects shall include incentive payments to providers that place
1.13individuals in jobs that allow them to leave SSI and SSDI dependency and become
1.14economically self-sufficient."
1.15Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.16Amend the title accordingly