1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 297, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 120, delete section 8
1.4[Revisor Instruction.] (a) The revisor of statutes, when engrossing this amendment,
1.5shall move the following sections of Article 7 Miscellaneous into Article 3 Health Care:
1.6section 21 (256B.0625, subd. 13c), 30 (256L.03, subd. 5), 31 (256L.04, subd. 1), and
1.732 (256L.04, subd. 12).
1.8(b) The revisor of statutes, when engrossing this amendment, shall move the
1.9following sections of Article 3 Health Care into Article 9 Health Care Reform: sections
1.103 (62J.692, subd. 1), 4 (62J.692, subd. 4), 5 (62J.692, subd. 7a), 6 (62J.692, subd. 8),
1.11and 7 (62J.692, subd. 10).
1.12(c) The revisor of statutes, when engrossing this amendment, shall move the
1.13following sections of Article 3 Health Care into Article 7 Miscellaneous: section 2
1.14(62H.02) and 30 (agricultural cooperative health plan for farmers).
1.15Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.16Amend the title accordingly