1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 305, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 5, after line 31 insert:
1.4 "
Subd. 5. Approved bars. (a) A city, town or county, by majority vote of the
1.5governing body, may issue a license to a bar, upon request of the owner, to permit smoking
1.6in the bar or in a designated smoking section of the bar. The city, town, or county shall set
1.7the fee for a smoking license after providing notice and a hearing on the proposed fees.
1.8Sections 144.414 to 144.417 do not prohibit smoking in bars that have a smoking license.
1.9 (b) For purposes of this subdivision, a "bar" means an establishment that has an
1.10on-sale intoxicating liquor license, an on-sale nonintoxicating malt liquor license, an
1.11on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license, a wine license, or a strong beer liquor license; and
1.12 (1) the bar's sales of beer, nonintoxicating malt liquor, 3.2 percent malt liquor, wine,
1.13and intoxicating liquor are demonstrated for an existing licensee to be, or for an initial
1.14licensee projected to be, more than 50 percent of the total net sales of food and beverages,
1.15after taxes, that are served in the establishment. For the purposes of this section, "sales"
1.16are the sales reported to the Department of Revenue from the most recent calendar year; or
1.17 (2) the bar:
1.18 (i) is separated from the restaurant on all sides by continuous floor-to-ceiling walls,
1.19which are interrupted only by closable doors that are continuously closed, except when a
1.20person is actively entering or exiting the bar;
1.21 (ii) has ventilation systems that are totally separated from the restaurant, with the bar
1.22maintaining a negative air pressure in relation to the adjacent restaurant;
1.23 (iii) does not permit entrance or employment of minors at any time notwithstanding
1.24section 340A.503, subdivision 4, paragraph (b); and
1.25 (iv) has a food or beverage license, which is separate from the restaurant, issued by
1.26the appropriate licensing agency."
1.27Page 6, delete section 13