1.1    .................... moves to amend the delete everything amendment (A08-1216) to H.
1.2F. No. 380, as follows:
1.3Page 18, line 13, delete "16,000,000"and insert "15,650,000"
1.4Page 18, line 30, delete "$3,500,000" and insert "$3,150,000"
1.5Page 30, line 32, delete "5,480,000" and insert "5,280,000"
1.6Page 31, line 16, delete "$2,000,000" and insert "$1,800,000"
1.7Page 55, line 4, delete "9,325,000" and insert "8,725,000"
1.8Page 55, line 19, delete "$6,000,000" and insert "$5,400,000"
1.9Page 58, line 24, delete "3,000,000"and insert "2,700,000"
1.10Page 60, after line 5, insert:
"Subd. 19.Minneapolis; Phillips Cultural and
Community Center; Education and Training
1.14For a grant to the Minneapolis Park and
1.15Recreation Board to build the second floor of
1.16the community center."
1.17Amend the totals accordingly
1.18Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.19Amend the title accordingly