1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 464 as follows:
1.2Page 3, after line 36 insert:
1.3 "
(k) The board shall not offer any health plan, enter into any contract, or incur
1.4any other financial obligation unless Education Minnesota has executed and delivered
1.5to the board a written guaranty commitment in which Education Minnesota assumes
1.6unconditional liability for the board's debts if the board becomes insolvent, and the
1.7board has accepted the guaranty commitment. The board shall not accept the guaranty
1.8commitment unless the commissioner of finance has approved the form, content, and
1.9execution of the guaranty commitment. This paragraph does not prohibit the board from
1.10incurring obligations for compensation and reimbursement of expenses of its members
1.11prior to receipt or acceptance of the guaranty commitment."