1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 464 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 10, delete "
1.3Page 1, line 16, delete the period and insert a semicolon
1.4Page 1, after line 16, insert:
1.5 "
(3) "health plan" means a health plan as defined in section 62A.011; and
1.6 (4) "health benefit plan" means self-insured health care coverage that is offered by
1.7the Minnesota School Employee Insurance Pool under this section."
1.8Page 2, line 26, after "
plans" insert "
or health benefit plans"
1.9Page 2, line 34, delete "
health plan or plans" and insert "
health plans or health
1.10benefit plans"
1.11Page 3, line 1, before the period, insert "
or health benefit plans"
1.12Page 3, line 8, after "
board" insert "
and approved by the commissioner of commerce"
1.13and delete "
The health plans" and insert "
Any health plan or health benefit plan offered
1.14by the board"
1.15Page 3, line 10, delete "
All health plans" and insert "
Any health plan or health
1.16benefit plan" and after "
commerce" insert "
prior to being made available to eligible
1.17employees of eligible employers"
1.18Page 3, line 14, after "
features" insert "
as allowed under chapter 60A"
1.19Page 3, line 15, after the period, insert "
The Department of Commerce must approve
1.20all design elements under this paragraph prior to any health plan or health benefit plan
1.21being made available to eligible employees of eligible employers."
1.22Page 3, line 19, delete "
The health plans" and insert "
Any health plan or health
1.23benefit plan"