1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 528 as follows:
1.2Page 1, before line 8, insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 168.301, subdivision 3, is amended to
1.5 Subd. 3.
Late fee; additional fines. (a) In addition to any fee or tax otherwise
1.6authorized or imposed upon the transfer of title for a motor vehicle, the commissioner of
1.7public safety shall
(1) impose a $2 additional fee for failure to
deliver file a title transfer
1.8within ten business days
., and (2) impose the following additional fines:
1.9 (i) the transferor must pay a $50 fine if providing the notice of sale required under
1.10section 168A.10, subdivision 1, between 10 and 30 days from the date of transfer, or a
1.11$100 fine if providing the notice after 30 days from the date of transfer; and
1.12 (ii) the transferee must pay a $100 fine if filing a title transfer required under section
1.13168A.10, subdivision 2, between 10 and 30 days from the date of transfer, or a $200 fine if
1.14filing a title transfer after 30 days from the date of transfer.
1.15 (b) All money collected under paragraph (a), clauses (1) to (2) must be deposited in
1.16the abandoned vehicle account."
1.17Page 3, after line 12, insert:
1.18 "Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 168B.087, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.19 Subdivision 1.
Deficiency claim. (a) The nonpublic impound lot operator has a
1.20deficiency claim against the registered owner of the vehicle for the reasonable costs of
1.21services provided in the towing, storage, and inspection of the vehicle minus the proceeds
1.22of the sale or auction.
1.23 (b) The claim for storage costs may not exceed the costs of:
1.24 (1) 25 days storage, for a vehicle described in section
168B.051, subdivision 1; and
1.25 (2) 55 days storage, for a vehicle described in section
168B.051, subdivision 2.
2.1 (c) The claim for an impound lot operator providing towing, storage, and inspection
2.2by request or contract with a unit of government or peace officer may not exceed $150
2.3per vehicle.
2.4 Sec. 6.
2.5 An abandoned vehicle account is created in the special revenue fund, consisting
2.6of any money credited by law. Money in the account is annually appropriated to the
2.7commissioner of public safety, to be used as follows:
2.8 (1) 10 percent for the Department of Public Safety, for the costs of rulemaking and
2.9administering its duties under this chapter; and
2.10 (2) 90 percent for dispersal as compensation payments to impound lot operators for
2.11valid deficiency claims under rules adopted by the commissioner.
2.12 Sec. 7.
[168B.16] RULES.
2.13 The commissioner of public safety shall adopt rules under chapter 14 to administer
2.14the provisions of this chapter for which the commissioner has responsibility. At a
2.15minimum, the commissioner must adopt rules that set forth:
2.16 (1) sufficient procedures and minimum documentary or other evidence satisfactory
2.17to the commissioner for an impound lot operator, whether public or nonpublic, to show a
2.18valid deficiency claim under section 168B.087; and
2.19 (2) guidelines for making payments from the abandoned vehicle account established
2.20in section 168B.15 to impound lot operators for their valid deficiency claims."
2.21Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.22Amend the title accordingly