1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 578 as follows:
1.2Page 3, delete section 6 and insert:
1.3 "Sec. 6.
1.4 Subdivision 1. Establishment of accounts. Each enrollee shall manage a personal
1.5health and education account and a deductible account. The personal health and education
1.6account is a trust established and owned by the state of Minnesota for the sole benefit of
1.7the MinnesotaCare CMF enrollee, that may be used to pay for qualified medical expenses
1.8and qualified educational expenses of the enrollee.
1.9 Subd. 2. Deductible account. The deductible account shall be funded by the
1.10enrollee and the state, to the value of the annual deductible of the high-deductible health
1.11plan. Expenditures from the deductible account are limited to medical expenses that count
1.12toward the deductible, according to the terms of the high-deductible health plan.
1.13 Subd. 3. Personal health and education account. The personal health and
1.14education account shall be funded with money rolled over from the enrollee's previous
1.15year's unspent deductible account dollars, investment gains, and any additional employer
1.16contributions. Money in the personal health and education account may be spent on:
1.17 (1) all qualified medical expenses, as defined in section 213(d) of the Internal
1.18Revenue Code;
1.19 (2) qualified education expenses; and
1.20 (3) private sector health plan premiums, for persons who lose eligibility for or are no
1.21longer enrolled in MinnesotaCare CMF.
1.22For purposes of this subdivision, "qualified educational expenses" means tuition and fees
1.23at postsecondary educational institutions. Money in the personal health and education
1.24account may be invested by the enrollee, using the procedures that apply to individual
1.25retirement accounts.
2.1 Subd. 4. Administration. Any organization qualified to administer individual
2.2retirement accounts may administer the personal health and education account, subject to
2.3any restrictions specified in the trust documents. Funds in the deductible account must
2.4be accessible through a debit card. Charges on the debit card must be limited to allowed
2.6 Subd. 5. Additional contributions. Employers may contribute additional funds
2.7to the personal health and education account. These funds are subject to the spending
2.8restrictions in subdivision 3.
2.9 Subd. 6. Continued access to account. Individuals who become ineligible for or
2.10leave the MinnesotaCare CMF program shall continue to have access to money in the
2.11personal health and education account, if they had been enrolled in the MinnesotaCare
2.12CMF program for at least 12 consecutive months. Personal health and education account
2.13funds for persons enrolled in the MinnesotaCare CMF program for less than 12 consecutive
2.14months shall be forfeited by the person and deposited into the health care access fund."
2.15Page 7, line 2, delete "
2.16Page 7, line 7, after "
plans" insert "
. A master plan must not provide health coverage
2.17itself and must instead provide health coverage only through enrolling individuals in the
2.18individual health plans available within the master plan. An exchange must not bear
2.19insurance risk"
2.20Page 7, line 23, after "
plan" insert "
, solely on the basis of whether the health plan
2.21company and its health plan comply with section 62U.04, paragraphs (b), (c), and (d)"
2.22Page 7, line 29, after the semicolon insert "
2.23Page 7, line 32, delete "
; and" and insert a period
2.24Page 7, delete line 33