1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 618 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 $2,200,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2008 from the general fund to the
1.5commissioner of employment and economic development for a grant to BioBusiness
1.6Alliance of Minnesota for bioscience business development programs to promote and
1.7position the state as a global leader in bioscience business activities. Funds appropriated
1.8under this section may be used for:
1.9 (1) completion and periodic updating of a statewide bioscience business industry
1.10assessment of business technology enterprises and Minnesota's competitive position
1.11employing annual updates to federal industry classification data;
1.12 (2) long-term strategic planning that includes projections of market changes
1.13resulting from developments in biotechnology and the development of 20-year goals,
1.14strategies and identified objectives for renewable energy, medical devices, biopharma, and
1.15biologics business development in Minnesota;
1.16 (3) the design and construction of a Minnesota focused bioscience business model to
1.17test competing strategies and scenarios, evaluate options, and forecast outcomes; and
1.18 (4) creation of a bioscience business resources network that includes development
1.19of a statewide bioscience business economic development framework to encourage
1.20bioscience business development and encourage spin-off activities, attract bioscience
1.21business location or expansion in Minnesota, and establish a local capability to support
1.22strategic system level planning for industry, government, and academia.
1.23 This appropriation is available until June 30, 2009."