1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 685 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 $500,000 in fiscal year 2008 and $500,000 in fiscal year 2009 is appropriated from
1.5the general fund to the commissioner of education to contract with Lifetrack Resources
1.6to provide a program in Ramsey County to expand school readiness and home visiting
1.7services for children from birth to kindergarten who are at risk of or have been diagnosed
1.8with mental illness or developmental delays due to fetal alcohol or drug exposure, child
1.9neglect, or abuse, and their families in order to ensure the children's school readiness.
1.10EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2007, and the appropriations
1.11in both fiscal years are available until June 30, 2009."
1.12Amend the title accordingly