1.1.................... moves to amend H. F. No. 721 as follows:
1.2Page 4, line 8, delete "
both" and delete "
and resident assessment"
1.3Page 4, line 9, delete "
schedule" and delete "
and resident"
1.4Page 4, line 10, delete "
assessment schedule"
1.5Page 4, line 13, delete "
both" and delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.6Page 4, line 14, delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.7Page 4, line 16, delete "
1.8Page 4, line 17, delete "
resident assessment schedule"
1.9Page 4, line 18, delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.10Page 4, line 19, delete "
equals" and insert "
is equal to the difference between"
1.11Page 4, line 21, delete "
decrease" and insert "
difference that is negative"
1.12Page 4, line 27, after "
rate" insert "
, at a RUGS weight of 1.00 and all RUGS groups
1.13adjusted by their indices"
1.14Page 4, line 35, delete "
and use of"
1.15Page 4, line 36, delete "
all quarterly assessments"
1.16Page 5, line 4, delete "
both" and delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.17Page 5, line 5, delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.18Page 5, line 8, delete everything before "
1.19Page 5, line 10, delete "
1.20Page 5, line 11, delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.21Page 5, line 12, delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.22Page 5, line 17, delete "
both" and delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.23Page 5, line 18, delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.24Page 5, line 20, delete "
and resident"
1.25Page 5, line 21, delete "
assessment schedule"
1.26Page 5, line 22, delete "
and resident assessment schedule"
1.27Page 5, line 23, delete "
decrease" and insert "
difference that is negative"