1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 797, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0797DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 72, after line 10, insert:
(z) $189,000 each year is appropriated from
1.5the general fund to the commissioner of
1.6employment and economic development for
1.7grants of $63,000 to eligible organizations
1.8each year and for the purposes of this
1.9paragraph. Each state grant dollar must be
1.10matched with one dollar of nonstate funds.
1.11Any balance in the first year does not cancel
1.12but is available in the second year.
1.13The commissioner of employment and
1.14economic development must make grants to
1.15organizations to assist in the development
1.16of entrepreneurs and small businesses.
1.17Three grants must be awarded to continue
1.18or to develop a program. One grant must
1.19be awarded to the Riverbend Center for
1.20Entrepreneurial Facilitation in Blue Earth
1.21County, and two to other organizations
1.22serving Faribault and Martin Counties. Grant
1.23recipients must report to the commissioner
1.24by February 1 of each year that the
1.25organization receives a grant with the
1.26number of customers served; the number of
2.1businesses started, stabilized, or expanded;
2.2the number of jobs created and retained; and
2.3business success rates. The commissioner
2.4must report to the house of representatives
2.5and senate committees with jurisdiction
2.6over economic development finance on the
2.7effectiveness of these programs for assisting
2.8in the development of entrepreneurs and
2.9small businesses."
2.10Adjust the totals accordingly