1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 797, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0797DE1), as amended by H0797A10, by amending H0797A10 as follows:
1.3Page 4, line 33, delete "
improper activity through"
1.4Page 5, line 4, delete "
engaged in any improper activity" and insert "
1.5sections 181.932 or 181.9325"
1.6Page 5, line 5, delete "
activity" and insert "
alleged violation"
1.7Page 5, line 10, delete "
improper activity" and insert "
1.8Page 5, line 14, delete "
an" and insert "
a public"
1.9Page 5, line 21, after "
retaliation" insert "
in public employment"
1.10Page 13, line 32, delete the first "
the" and insert "
a public"
1.11Page 13, line 34, delete everything after "
impact" and insert "
or findings indicating
1.12consequences for the public's health or safety; or"
1.13Page 14, line 1, delete the first "
the" and insert "
a public"
1.14Page 14, after line 3, insert:
1.15 "
(g) The disclosures protected pursuant to this section do not authorize the disclosure
1.16of trade-secret information otherwise protected by law."
1.17Page 14, line 6, delete "
An" and insert "
A public"
1.18Page 14, line 28, after "
A" delete "
state" and insert "
public" and after "
for" delete
state" and insert "
1.20Page 15, line 2, after "
a" delete "
state" and insert "
public" and after "
for" delete
state" and insert "
1.22Page 15, line 6, delete "
state" and insert "
1.23Page 15, line 7, delete "
state" and insert "
1.24Page 15, line 18, delete the first "
state" and insert "
public" and after "
for" delete
state" and insert "