1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 797, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 2, line 24, delete "
1,558,498,000" and insert "
1,561,498,000" and delete
1,641,178,000" and insert "
1,644,178,000" and delete "
3,199,676,000" and insert
1.6Page 2, line 26, delete "
1,560,655,000" and insert "
1,563,655,000" and delete
1,643,335,000" and insert "
1,646,335,000" and delete "
3,203,990,000" and insert
1.9Page 3, line 1, delete "
194,983,000" and insert "
197,983,000" and delete
195,654,000" and insert "
1.11Page 13, line 14, delete "
667,550,000" and insert "
611,112,000" and delete
667,323,000" and insert "
1.13Page 27, after line 25, insert:
1.14 "Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 120B.023, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
1.15 Subd. 2.
Revisions and reviews required. (a) The commissioner of education must
1.16revise and appropriately embed technology and information literacy standards consistent
1.17with recommendations from school media specialists into the state's academic standards
1.18and graduation requirements and implement a review cycle for state academic standards
1.19and related benchmarks, consistent with this subdivision. During each review cycle, the
1.20commissioner also must examine the alignment of each required academic standard and
1.21related benchmark with the knowledge and skills students need for college readiness and
1.22advanced work in the particular subject area.
1.23 (b) The commissioner in the 2006-2007 school year must revise and align the state's
1.24academic standards and high school graduation requirements in mathematics to require
1.25that students satisfactorily complete the revised mathematics standards, beginning in the
1.262010-2011 school year. Under the revised standards:
2.1 (1) students must satisfactorily complete an algebra I credit by the end of eighth
2.2grade; and
2.3 (2) students scheduled to graduate in the 2014-2015 school year or later must
2.4satisfactorily complete an algebra II credit or its equivalent.
2.5The commissioner also must ensure that the statewide mathematics assessments
2.6administered to students in grades 3 through 8 and 11 beginning in the 2010-2011
2.7school year are aligned with the state academic standards in mathematics. The statewide
2.811th grade mathematics test administered to students under clause (2) beginning in
2.9the 2013-2014 school year must include algebra II test items that are aligned with
2.10corresponding state academic standards in mathematics.
The commissioner, in
2.11collaboration with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, must ensure that passing
2.12score for the statewide 11th grade mathematics test represents readiness for college so that
2.13a student who achieves a passing score on this test, upon graduation, is immediately ready
2.14to take college courses for college credit in a two-year or a four-year institution, consistent
2.15with section 135A.104. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic
2.16standards and related benchmarks in mathematics beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
2.17 (c) The commissioner in the 2007-2008 school year must revise and align the state's
2.18academic standards and high school graduation requirements in the arts to require that
2.19students satisfactorily complete the revised arts standards beginning in the 2010-2011
2.20school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and
2.21related benchmarks in arts beginning in the 2016-2017 school year.
2.22 (d) The commissioner in the 2008-2009 school year must revise and align the state's
2.23academic standards and high school graduation requirements in science to require that
2.24students satisfactorily complete the revised science standards, beginning in the 2011-2012
2.25school year. Under the revised standards, students scheduled to graduate in the 2014-2015
2.26school year or later must satisfactorily complete a chemistry or physics credit. The
2.27commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks
2.28in science beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.
2.29 (e) The commissioner in the 2009-2010 school year must revise and align the state's
2.30academic standards and high school graduation requirements in language arts to require
2.31that students satisfactorily complete the revised language arts standards beginning in the
2.322012-2013 school year.
The commissioner, in collaboration with the Minnesota State
2.33Colleges and Universities, must ensure that the passing score for the statewide tenth
2.34grade reading and language arts test represents readiness for college so that a student who
2.35achieves a passing score on this test, upon graduation, is immediately ready to take college
2.36courses for college credit in a two-year or a four-year institution, consistent with section
3.1135A.104. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and
3.2related benchmarks in language arts beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.
3.3 (f) The commissioner in the 2010-2011 school year must revise and align the state's
3.4academic standards and high school graduation requirements in social studies to require
3.5that students satisfactorily complete the revised social studies standards beginning in the
3.62013-2014 school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic
3.7standards and related benchmarks in social studies beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.
3.8 (g) School districts and charter schools must revise and align local academic
3.9standards and high school graduation requirements in health, physical education, world
3.10languages, and career and technical education to require students to complete the revised
3.11standards beginning in a school year determined by the school district or charter school.
3.12School districts and charter schools must formally establish a periodic review cycle for
3.13the academic standards and related benchmarks in health, physical education, world
3.14languages, and career and technical education.
3.15 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 120B.024, is amended to read:
3.17 (a) Students beginning 9th grade in the 2004-2005 school year and later must
3.18successfully complete the following high school level course credits for graduation:
3.19 (1) four credits of language arts;
3.20 (2) three credits of mathematics, encompassing at least algebra, geometry, statistics,
3.21and probability sufficient to satisfy the academic standard;
3.22 (3) three credits of science, including at least one credit in biology;
3.23 (4) three and one-half credits of social studies, encompassing at least United
3.24States history, geography, government and citizenship, world history, and economics or
3.25three credits of social studies encompassing at least United States history, geography,
3.26government and citizenship, and world history, and one-half credit of economics taught in
3.27a school's social studies, agriculture education, or business department;
3.28 (5) one credit in the arts; and
3.29 (6) a minimum of seven elective course credits.
3.30 A course credit is equivalent to a student successfully completing an academic
3.31year of study or a student mastering the applicable subject matter, as determined by the
3.32local school district.
3.33 (b) An agriculture science course may fulfill a science credit requirement in addition
3.34to the specified science credits in biology and chemistry or physics under paragraph (a),
3.35clause (3).
4.1 (c) The commissioner, in collaboration with the Minnesota State Colleges and
4.2Universities, must develop and implement a statewide plan to communicate with all
4.3Minnesota high school students no later than the beginning of ninth grade the state's
4.4expectations for college readiness, consistent with section 120B.023, subdivision 2,
4.5paragraphs (b) and (e) and section 135A.104."
4.6Page 28, after line 11, insert:
4.7 "
(c) To qualify for resident tuition under this section an individual who is not a
4.8citizen or permanent resident of the United States must provide the college or university
4.9with an affidavit that the individual will file an application to become a permanent resident
4.10at the earliest opportunity the individual is eligible to do so.
4.11EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment
4.12and applies to tuition for school terms commencing on or after that date."
4.13Page 28, delete section 7 and insert:
4.14 "Sec. 7.
4.15 (a) Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must collaborate with the
4.16commissioner of education in establishing passing scores on the Minnesota comprehensive
4.17assessments in reading for grade 10 and in mathematics for grade 11 under section
4.18120B.30 so that "passing score" performances on those two assessments represent a
4.19student's college readiness. For purposes of this section and chapter 120B, "college
4.20readiness" means that a student who graduates from a public high school is immediately
4.21ready to take college courses for college credit in a two-year or a four-year institution.
4.22Minnesota State Colleges and Universities also must collaborate with the commissioner of
4.23education to develop and implement a statewide plan to communicate with all Minnesota
4.24high school students no later than the beginning of ninth grade the state's expectations for
4.25college readiness.
4.26 (b) The entrance and admission materials that the Minnesota State Colleges and
4.27Universities provide to prospective students must clearly indicate the level of academic
4.28preparation that the students must have in order to be ready to immediately take college
4.29courses for college credit in two-year and four-year institutions."
4.30Page 36, line 18, restore the stricken language and delete the new language
4.31Pages 36 to 38, delete sections 24 to 33
4.32Page 67, line 29, delete "
94,246,000" and insert "
94,435,000" and delete
59,895,000" and insert "
60,084,000" and delete "
154,141,000" and insert "
5.1Page 67, line 35, delete "
135,137,000" and insert "
135,326,000" and delete
101,234,000" and insert "
101,423,000" and delete "
236,371,000" and insert
5.4Page 68, line 16, delete "
100,573,000" and insert "
100,762,000" and delete
65,825,000" and insert "
5.6Page 68, line 19, delete "
85,703,000" and insert "
85,892,000" and delete
50,955,000" and insert "
5.8Page 68, line 26, delete "
48,679,000" and insert "
48,868,000" and delete
14,183,000" and insert "
5.10Page 68, line 29, delete "
47,979,000" and insert "
48,168,000" and delete
13,483,000" and insert "
5.12Page 69, line 30, delete "
$2,000,000" and insert "
5.13Page 76, after line 19, insert:
5.14 "
(aa) $10,000 for the biennium is to the commissioner of economic development
5.15for the Minnesota investment fund. This grant is not subject to grant limitations under
5.16section 116J.8731, subdivision 5."
5.17Page 77, line 24, delete "
$1,125,000" and insert "
5.18Page 77, line 34, delete "
$250,000 is" and insert "
$125,000 each year and in the base
5.19for fiscal years 2010 and 2011"
5.20Page 78, line 24, after "
year" insert "
from the general fund"
5.21Page 78, line 25, delete "
. At least" and insert "
5.22Page 78, line 26, after "
year" delete "
must be used" and insert "
from the workforce
5.23development fund is"
5.24Page 83, after line 16, insert:
5.25 "
$800,000 the first year and $1,200,000 the second year from the general fund are
5.26for the independent contractor licensing under Minnesota Statutes, section 181.723."
5.27Page 86, after line 25, insert:
5.28 "Sec. 13.
5.29 The commissioner of employment and economic development shall convene a work
5.30group to evaluate the impact of the one time money appropriated for wage incentives and
5.31how the wage incentive program works. The work group is to make recommendations to
5.32the legislature by January 15, 2008."
5.33Page 123, line 24, delete everything after the period
5.34Page 123, delete lines 25 and 26 and insert "
Fees collected under this subdivision are
5.35deposited in the general fund."
5.36Adjust totals accordingly
6.1Renumber the sections in sequence and correct internal references
6.2Amend the title accordingly