1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 829, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 5, line 29, before "
The" insert:
Crime labs and crime strike task forces;
1.4working group. The commissioner of
1.5public safety shall convene a working group
1.6to study the appropriateness of additional
1.7regional forensic crime laboratories and
1.8regional crime strike task forces."
1.9Page 5, line 30, delete everything after "
1.10Page 5, line 31, delete "
training centers,"
1.11Page 5, line 32, delete "
, and" and insert "
1.12Page 5, line 33, delete "
a" and insert "
1.13Page 6, line 3, delete "
on" and insert a period
1.14Page 6, delete lines 4 to 7 and insert "
1.15Page 6, after line 13, insert:
and the Gang and Drug Oversight Council,
1.17established under section 299A.641,"
1.18Page 8, line 2, after the period insert "
Of this amount, $10,000 is to be distributed to
1.19Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota for background check training. Only organizations
1.20that have completed training with Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota are eligible to
1.21receive background checks under this provision. This is a onetime appropriation."
1.22Page 9, line 24, delete "
the Tenth Judicial"
1.23Page 9, line 25, delete "
District" and insert "
political subdivisions" and delete "
1.24and delete "
program" and insert "
2.1Page 9, line 28, after the period insert "
Any grant awarded to a political subdivision
2.2in clause (10) may comprise no more than one-third of the full operating cost of the
2.4Page 16, line 10, delete "
2,909,000" and insert "
3,109,000" and delete "
2.5and insert "
2.6Page 22, line 28, after the period, insert "
This is a onetime appropriation."
2.7Page 24, line 10, delete "
Supreme Court" and insert "
state court"
2.8Page 69, line 30, strike "currently in effect"
2.9Page 69, line 32, strike "in effect" and insert "
2.10Page 74, line 18, before "A" insert "
2.11Page 74, after line 24 insert:
2.12 "
(b) The six-year period relating to a defendant's obligation to pay restitution under
2.13paragraph (a) does not limit the victim's right to collect restitution through other means
2.14such as a civil judgment."
2.15Page 86, line 22, after the second semicolon insert "
2.16Page 86, line 23, delete "
; and 626A.17, subdivision 3"
2.17Page 94, after line 29, insert:
2.18 "Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 641.15, is amended by adding a subdivision
2.19to read:
2.20 Subd. 3a. Intake procedure; approved mental health screening. As part of its
2.21intake procedure for new prisoners, the sheriff or local corrections shall use a mental
2.22health screening tool approved by the commissioner of corrections in consultation with
2.23the commissioner of human services to identify persons who may have mental illness.
2.24EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective August 1, 2007."
2.25Page 95, after line 17, insert:
2.26 "Sec. ....
2.27 The commissioner of corrections shall develop a protocol that is fair, firm, and
2.28consistent so that inmates have an opportunity to be released from disciplinary confinement
2.29in a timely manner. For those inmates in disciplinary confinement who are nearing their
2.30release date, the commissioner of corrections shall, when possible, develop a reentry plan.
2.31EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2007."
2.32Page 99, line 20, after "
housing" insert "
and mental health services"
2.33Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.34Amend the title accordingly