1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 854, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 7, after line 23, insert:
1.3 "
Subd. 3. Refund allowed. (a) A manufacturer subject to the registration fee
1.4under this section is allowed a refund for overpayment of the fee for the prior calendar
1.5year. Upon application by the manufacturer, in the manner and on a form prescribed by
1.6the commissioner of revenue, the commissioner of revenue shall pay a refund to the
1.7manufacturer equal to:
1.8(1) the amount of the variable fee paid by all manufacturers for the prior year; less
1.9(2) the total program cost for the prior year (but the remainder may not be less
1.10than zero); multiplied by
1.11(3) the applicant manufacturer's share of the total weight of products collected
1.12for the prior year.
1.13 (b) The application for refund may be made no sooner than March 15th following
1.14the year in which the registration fee was paid. The refund bears interest at the rate under
1.15section 270C.40, calculated from 90 days after the application for refund was filed with
1.16the commissioner of revenue."