1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 953, the delete everything amendment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 1, line 26, delete "
22,158,000" and insert "
21,158,000" and delete "
1.4and insert "
1.5Page 2, line 1, delete"
30,586,000" and insert "
29,586,000" and delete "
1.6and insert "
1.7Adjust section totals accordingly
1.8Page 17, after line 25, insert:
1.9 "Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 3.099, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.10 Subdivision 1.
Pay days; mileage; per diem. The compensation of each member
1.11of the legislature is due on the first day of the regular legislative session of the term and
1.12payable in equal parts on January 15, in the first month of each term and on the first
1.13day of each following month during the term for which the member was elected. The
1.14compensation of each member of the legislature elected at a special election is due on the
1.15day the member takes the oath of office and payable within ten days of taking the oath for
1.16the remaining part of the month in which the oath was taken, and then in equal parts on the
1.17first day of each following month during the term for which the member was elected.
1.18 Each member shall receive mileage for necessary travel to the place of meeting and
1.19returning to the member's residence in the amount and for trips as authorized by the senate
1.20for senate members and by the house of representatives for house members.
1.21 Each member shall also receive per diem living expenses during a regular or special
1.22session of the legislature in the amounts
, not to exceed $66, and for the purposes as
1.23determined by the senate for senate members and by the house of representatives for
1.24house members.
1.25 On January 15 in the first month of each term and on the first day of each following
1.26month, the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall
2.1certify to the commissioner of finance, in duplicate, the amount of compensation then
2.2payable to each member of their respective houses and its total.
2.3 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 3.101, is amended to read:
2.5 A member of the legislature in addition to the compensation and mileage otherwise
2.6provided by law shall be reimbursed for living and other expenses incurred in the
2.7performance of duties or engaging in official business during a regular or special session
2.8and when the legislature is not in session in the manner and amount prescribed by the
2.9senate Committee on Rules and Administration for senators and by the house Committee
2.10on Rules and Legislative Administration for house members.
A member of the legislature
2.11may not be provided a housing allowance or reimbursed for housing expenditures for
2.12more than six months in a calendar year."
2.13Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.14Amend the title accordingly