1.1 .................... moves to amend the first committee engrossment to H. F. No. 953
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 90, delete lines 17 to 29 and insert:
1.4 "
(c) The following entities are eligible to participate in phase I:
1.5 (1) state agencies;
1.6 (2) counties;
1.7 (3) cities; and
1.8 (4) school districts with the highest 25 percent enrollment of students in the state.
1.9Phase I begins on the effective date of this section.
1.10 (d) The following entities are eligible to participate in phase II:
1.11 (1) those entities included in phase I; and
1.12 (2) school districts with the highest 50 percent enrollment of students in the state.
1.13Phase II begins two years from the effective date of this section.
1.14 (e) The following entities are eligible to participate in phase III:
1.15 (1) all entities included in phases I and II; and
1.16 (2) all other townships, school districts, and political subdivisions in the state.
1.17Phase III begins three years from the effective date of this section.
1.18 (f) The commissioner or any agency for which competitive bids or proposals are
1.19required may not use best value contracting as defined in section 16C.02, subdivision 4a,
1.20for more than one project annually, or 20 percent of its projects, whichever is greater, in
1.21each of the first three fiscal years in which best value construction contracting is used."