1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1045 as follows:
1.2Page 1, after line 6 insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 The availability and adequacy of parks and open spaces are critical to the social,
1.5environmental, and economic health and vitality of the state's metropolitan areas. By 2030,
1.6the population of the seven-county metropolitan area comprising Anoka, Carver, Dakota,
1.7Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington counties is expected to increase by nearly one
1.8million. This expected growth will significantly affect land uses in the metropolitan area,
1.9including the availability of land for recreation and open space purposes. State, regional,
1.10and local governments' ability to acquire and preserve property for public recreation and
1.11open space purposes is limited but can be enhanced through cooperative public-private
1.12initiatives. The legislature therefore finds and declares that it is in the public's interest
1.13for the Metropolitan Council to create a private parks foundation to supplement public
1.14tax dollars in filling regional park acquisition and preservation needs by improving the
1.15region's access to private funding sources and other support for regional recreation and
1.16open space purposes.
1.17 Sec. 2.
1.18 Subdivision 1. Nonprofit foundation may be established. Pursuant to Minnesota
1.19Statutes, section 465.717, subdivision 1, the Metropolitan Council established by section
1.20473.123 may incorporate, create, or other establish a foundation. The purpose of the
1.21foundation shall be to help acquire or finance the acquisition of lands and other assets for
1.22public recreation and open space within the metropolitan area defined in section 473.121,
1.23subdivision 2, in order to preserve and develop regional parks and related facilities. The
1.24foundation shall be a private nonprofit organization and tax exempt under appropriate
1.25federal and state law. The foundation may accept gifts, donations, monies, property, and
2.1other assets and may transfer, donate, or otherwise provide such gifts, donations, monies,
2.2property, and other assets consistent with its dedicated purpose.
2.3 Subd. 2. Formation; board of directors; employees. The foundation's initial
2.4board of directors must include business leaders, representatives of civic and nonprofit
2.5organizations, and at least one representative from each of the following: the Metropolitan
2.6Council, the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission, the Department of Natural
2.7Resources, and conservation and parks and trails advocacy organizations like the Trust
2.8for Public Land and the Parks and Trails Council of Minnesota. The members of the
2.9initial board must not be compensated by the foundation for their services but may be
2.10reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their duties as board
2.11members. Persons employed by the foundation are not public employees and must not
2.12participate in retirement, deferred compensation, insurance, or other plans that apply
2.13to public employees generally.
2.14 Subd. 3. Advisory committee. The foundation may appoint an advisory committee
2.15to help establish the foundation. The advisory committee should include one or more
2.16representatives of the following: the regional park implementing agencies within the
2.17metropolitan area, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service,
2.18the Metropolitan Council, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, existing public
2.19park organizations, and such other organizations as the foundation deems appropriate.
2.20Advisory committee members shall not be compensated for their membership on the
2.21advisory committee but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in connection
2.22with their duties as advisory committee members. The advisory committee may be
2.23dissolved by the foundation when the foundation determines the advisory committee's
2.24work is complete.
2.25 Sec. 3.
2.26 The Metropolitan Council may provide from its general fund up to $500,000 to help
2.27create and establish the foundation. Until the foundation is established and functioning,
2.28the council may provide from the funding made available under this section office space
2.29and administrative support. The council may accept gifts, donations, monies, property,
2.30and other assets for purposes consistent with the foundation's purposes and shall, when
2.31the foundation is established and functioning, transfer such gifts, donations, monies,
2.32property, and other assets to the foundation. The use of council funds and resources for
2.33these purposes is a public purpose.
2.34 Sec. 4.
3.1 On or before January 15, 2009, the council shall prepare and submit to the
3.2legislature, as provided in section 3.195, a report on the creation and establishment of the
3.3foundation including a description of the public and private funds and resources used to
3.4help create and establish the foundation."
3.5Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.6Amend the title accordingly