1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1056 the delete-everything amendment
1.2A07-0428 as follows:
1.3Page 17, delete lines 13 to 17 and insert:
1.4 "
(f) The commissioner shall work with counties to determine the cost and
1.5propose an on-going funding allocation from the general fund to cover the cost to
1.6counties to implement an annual license review for licensed family child care providers.
1.7The commissioner shall solicit input from counties to determine the outcome. The
1.8commissioner shall report to the committees of the House of Representatives and Senate
1.9having jurisdiction over early childhood programs by January 15, 2008 as to the costs and
1.10the funding allocation recommended for future use."
1.11Page 25, line 13, delete "
new training" and insert "
trainings" and delete "
1.12and insert "
qualify for"
1.13Page 33, after line 6, insert:
Increased Child Care Provider
1.15Connections. (a) $200,000 is appropriated
1.16from the general fund to the commissioner of
1.17human services for the biennium beginning
1.18July 1, 2007, for the following purposes:
1.19$100,000 each year is for a grant to Hennepin
1.20County, and $100,000 each year is for a grant
1.21to Ramsey County. The two counties shall
1.22each contract with a nonprofit organization
1.23to work with the contracting county
1.24and county-based licensed family child
1.25care providers to facilitate county-based
1.26information regarding family and children's
1.27resources and to make training and peer
2.1support available to licensed family child
2.2care providers consistent with paragraph (b).
2.3These appropriations are available until June
2.430, 2009, and shall not become part of base
2.5level funding for the biennium beginning
2.6July 1, 2009.
2.7(b) Programs to improve child care provider
2.8connections to county services shall be
2.9established in Hennepin and Ramsey
2.10counties to:
2.11(1) improve county contact activities
2.12with county licensed family child care
2.13providers that facilitate utilization of county
2.14educational, social service, public health,
2.15and economic assistance services by eligible
2.16families, parents, and children using licensed
2.17family child care; and
2.18(2) support licensed family child care
2.19providers to qualify as quality-rated child
2.20care providers through peer support and
2.21coaching networks.
2.22Hennepin and Ramsey Counties shall
2.23contract with a nonprofit organization under
2.24paragraph (a) that utilizes licensed family
2.25child care providers as contacts for families
2.26using licensed family child care and to
2.27provide peer support to licensed family child
2.28care providers.
2.29(c) Hennepin and Ramsey Counties must
2.30evaluate the effect of increasing contact
2.31with county-based licensed family child
2.32care providers and report their findings to
2.33the appropriate legislative committees by
2.34February 15, 2010."
2.35Page 44, line 3, after "
subdivisions" insert "
for-profit or nonprofit child care centers"
3.1Page 45, delete line 8 to 11
3.2Page 52, line 21, delete "
; report"
3.3Page 54, after line 23, insert:
3.4 "
Of these amounts, up to 10 percent of the funds allocated to local Head Start
3.5programs annually may be used for innovative services designed either to target Head
3.6Start resources to particular at-risk groups of children or to provide services in addition to
3.7those currently allowable under federal Head Start regulations. Head Start programs must
3.8submit a plan for innovative services as part of the application process described under
3.9Minnesota Statutes, section 119A.535."
3.10Page 55, line 15, after "
the" insert "
city of"
3.11Page 55, line 16, delete "
ten" and insert "
3.12Page 55, line 18, delete "
140,000" and insert "
3.13Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.14Amend the title accordingly