1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1078, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 13, delete "and"
1.3Page 1, before the period, insert ", education and the cost of operating subsidized
1.5Page 1, line 19, delete "either that there is no expectation of payment " and insert
1.6"is charity care, as defined under Minnesota Rules, part 4650.0115"
1.7Page 2, line 12, after "reviewing" insert "and monitoring"
1.8Page 3, line 18, after "exception" insert "up to completion of the construction project"
1.9Page 3, line 18, delete "construction"
1.10Page 3, line 19, delete everything after "project" and insert "does not reflect the
1.11details of the plan as submitted under the public interest review process of the Department
1.12of Health"
1.13Page 3, line 20, delete everything before the comma
1.14Page 3, line 21, delete "or renew, or may suspend or revoke,"
1.15Page 3, line 22, after the period insert "Upon completion of the construction
1.16project and before the final license approval is granted, the hospital shall submit to
1.17the commissioner a report on how the construction has met the provisions of the plan
1.18originally submitted under the public interest review process."
1.19Page 6, line 4, delete everything after "project" and insert "does not reflect the
1.20details of the plan as submitted under the public interest review process of the Department
1.21of Health"
1.22Page 6, line 5, delete everything before the comma
1.23Page 6, after line 17, insert:

1.24    "Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 144.699, is amended by adding a subdivision
1.25to read:
1.26    Subd. 6. Advisory commission The commissioner of health shall convene an
1.27advisory commission for the purpose of determining an appropriate level of community
2.1care and payment shortfalls for state health programs, where these shortfalls are charges,
2.2adjusted to cost by a method deemed appropriate by the commissioner, in excess of
2.3total state health program payments. This level of community care and state health
2.4program payment shortfalls would then be used to determine eligibility for property and
2.5sales tax exemption, as defined in section 273.13, subdivision 25 and section 297A.70,
2.6subdivision 7. The commissioner shall report to the legislature by January 15, 2008 with
2.7recommendations for setting this standard for community care and payment shortfalls for
2.8state health programs for non-profit, tax-exempt hospitals."
2.9Page 6, delete section 6
2.10Page 10, delete section 7
2.11Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.12Amend the title accordingly