1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1078 as follows:
1.2Page 11, after line 36 insert:
1.3 "Sec. 8.
1.4 (a) The commissioner of administration shall monitor the implementation of the
1.5projects listed in paragraph (b) to ensure that the construction project continues to be in
1.6the public interest. If the commissioner determines that the project is no longer in the
1.7public interest, the commissioner, with authorization by the governor, may direct the
1.8appropriate state agency, or political subdivision, to refuse to grant or renew, or to suspend
1.9or revoke, the license or permit for the project.
1.10 (b) The following projects shall be monitored by the commissioner of administration:
1.11 (1) the Minnesota Shubert Performing Arts and Education Center;
1.12 (2) the new Twins stadium;
1.13 (3) the University of Minnesota football stadium; and
1.14 (4) Northstar Commuter Rail."
1.15Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.16Amend the title accordingly