1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1089 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 119B.21, subdivision 5, is amended to
1.5 Subd. 5.
Child care services grants. (a) A child care resource and referral program
1.6designated under section
119B.19, subdivision 1a, may award child care services grants
1.8 (1) creating new licensed child care facilities and expanding existing facilities,
1.9including, but not limited to, supplies, equipment, facility renovation, and remodeling;
1.10 (2) improving licensed child care facility programs;
1.11 (3) staff training and development services including, but not limited to, in-service
1.12training, curriculum development, accreditation, certification, consulting, resource centers,
1.13and program and resource materials
, supporting effective teacher-child interactions,
1.14child-focused teaching, and content-driven classroom instruction;
1.15 (4) interim financing;
1.16 (5) capacity building through the purchase of appropriate technology to create,
1.17enhance, and maintain business management systems;
1.18 (6) emergency assistance for child care programs;
1.19 (7) new programs or projects for the creation, expansion, or improvement of
1.20programs that serve ethnic immigrant and refugee communities; and
1.21 (8) targeted recruitment initiatives to expand and build the capacity of the child
1.22care system and to improve the quality of care provided by legal nonlicensed child care
1.24 (b) A child care resource and referral program designated under section
1.25subdivision 1a
, may award child care services grants to:
1.26 (1) licensed providers;
1.27 (2) providers in the process of being licensed;
2.1 (3) corporations or public agencies that develop or provide child care services;
2.2 (4) school-age care programs; or
2.3 (5) any combination of clauses (1) to (4).
2.4Unlicensed providers are only eligible for grants under paragraph (a), clause (7).
2.5 (c) A recipient of a child care services grant for facility improvements, interim
2.6financing, or staff training and development must provide a 25 percent local match.
2.7 Sec. 2.
2.10 Subdivision 1. Development and implementation of an early childhood and
2.11school-age professional development system. (a) The commissioner of human services,
2.12in cooperation with the commissioners of education and health, shall develop and phase-in
2.13the implementation a professional development system for practitioners serving children
2.14in early childhood and school-age programs.
2.15 The system must, at a minimum, include the following features:
2.16 (1) a continuum of training content based on the early childhood and school-age
2.17care practitioner core competencies that translates knowledge into improved practice to
2.18support children's school success;
2.19 (2) training strategies that provide direct feedback about practice to practitioners
2.20through ongoing consultation, mentoring, or coaching with special emphasis on early
2.21literacy and early math;
2.22 (3) an approval process for trainers;
2.23 (4) a professional development registry for early childhood and school-age care
2.24practitioners that will provide tracking and recognition of practitioner training/career
2.25development progress;
2.26 (5) a career lattice that includes a range of professional development and educational
2.27opportunities that provide appropriate coursework and degree pathways;
2.28 (6) development of a plan with public higher education institutions for an articulated
2.29system of education, training, and professional development that includes credit for prior
2.30learning and development of equivalences to two- and four-year degrees;
2.31 (7) incentives and supports for early childhood and school-age care practitioners
2.32to seek additional training and education, including TEACH, other scholarships, and
2.33career guidance; and
2.34 (8) coordinated and accessible delivery of training to early childhood and school-age
2.35care practitioners.
3.1 (b) The commissioner of human services must evaluate the professional development
3.2system and make continuous improvements.
3.3 (c) Beginning July 1, 2007, as appropriations permit, the commissioner shall
3.4phase-in the professional development system.
3.5 Subd. 2. Two-hour early childhood training. By January 15, 2008, the
3.6commissioner of human services, with input from the Minnesota Licensed Family Child
3.7Care Association and the Minnesota Professional Development Council, shall identify
3.8new training that meets the two-hour early childhood development training requirement
3.9for new child care practitioners under Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.14, subdivisions
3.109a and 9b. For licensed family child care, the commissioner will also seek the input
3.11of labor unions that serve licensed family child care providers, if the union has been
3.12recognized by a county to serve licensed family child care providers.
3.13 Sec. 3.
3.14 Subdivision 1. Expanded quality rating system pilot program. $....... is
3.15appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of human services for the
3.16biennium beginning July 1, 2007, to be transferred to the Minnesota Early Learning
3.17Foundation under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.175, to fund an expanded pilot
3.18program that offers geographic diversity to the current pilot program to test and evaluate
3.19the quality rating system.
3.20 Subd. 2. Child care services grants. $....... is appropriated from the general
3.21fund to the commissioner of human services for the biennium beginning July 1, 2007,
3.22for purposes of providing child care services grants under Minnesota Statutes, section
3.23119B.21, subdivision 5.
3.24 Subd. 3. Early childhood professional development system. $....... is appropriated
3.25from the general fund to the commissioner of human services for the biennium beginning
3.26July 1, 2007, for purposes of the early childhood professional development system, which
3.27increases the quality and continuum of professional development opportunities for child
3.28care practitioners."
3.29Amend the title accordingly