1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1098 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 15, delete "
Geothermal" and insert "
Energy" and delete
geothermal-related" and insert "
1.4Page 1, after line 20, insert:
1.5 "
(e) "Solar thermal" means a flat plate or evacuated tube with a fixed orientation that
1.6collects the sun's radiant energy and transfers it to a storage medium for distribution as
1.7energy for heating and cooling.
1.8 (f) "Solar thermal investments" means all capital expenditures associated with a
1.9building heating or cooling application using solar thermal energy, and that have a 20-year
1.10or less payback period."
1.11Page 1, line 22, after "
geothermal" insert "
and solar thermal"
1.12Page 2, line 7, after "
geothermal" insert "
1.13Page 2, line 13, after "
geothermal" insert "
or solar thermal"
1.14Page 2, line 32, after "
geothermal" insert "
and solar thermal"
1.15Page 2, line 33, after "
geothermal" insert "
and solar thermal"
1.16Page 2, line 35, after "
geothermal" insert "
and solar thermal"
1.17Page 3, line 1, after "
geothermal" insert "
and solar thermal"
1.18Page 3, line 5, after "
geothermal" insert "
and solar thermal"