1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1110, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H1110DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 19, after line 23, insert:
1.4 "Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 206.57, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
1.5 Subd. 5.
Voting system for disabled voters. In federal and state elections held after
1.6December 31, 2005,
and in county,
municipal city, and school district elections held after
1.7December 31, 2007
, and township elections held after December 2009, the voting method
1.8used in each polling place must include a voting system that is accessible for individuals
1.9with disabilities, including nonvisual accessibility for the blind and visually impaired
1.10in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation, including
1.11privacy and independence, as for other voters."
1.12Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.13Amend the title accordingly