1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1158 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 268.07, subdivision 3b,
1.4is amended to read:
1.5 Subd. 3b.
Limitations on applications and benefit accounts. (a) An application for
1.6unemployment benefits is effective the Sunday of the calendar week that the application
1.7was filed. Upon specific request of an applicant, an application for unemployment benefits
1.8may be backdated one calendar week before the Sunday of the week the application was
1.9actually filed. An application may be backdated only if the applicant was unemployed
1.10throughout the period of the backdating. If an individual attempted to file an application
1.11for unemployment benefits, but was prevented from filing an application by the
1.12department, the application is effective the Sunday of the calendar week the individual
1.13first attempted to file an application.
1.14 (b) A benefit account established under subdivision 2 is effective the date the
1.15application for unemployment benefits was effective.
1.16 (c) A benefit account, once established, may later be withdrawn only if:
1.17 (1) the applicant has not been paid any unemployment benefits on the benefit
1.18account to be withdrawn; and
1.19 (1) (2) a new application for unemployment benefits is filed and a new benefit
1.20account is established at the time of the withdrawal
; and.
1.21 (2) the applicant has not served the nonpayable waiting week under section
1.22subdivision 1
, clause (5).
1.23 A determination or amended determination under section
268.101, that was issued
1.24before the withdrawal of the benefit account, remains in effect and is not voided by the
1.25withdrawal of the benefit account. A determination of ineligibility requiring subsequent
2.1earnings to satisfy the period of ineligibility under section
268.095, subdivision 10, applies
2.2to the weekly unemployment benefit amount on the new benefit account.
2.3 (d) An application for unemployment benefits is not allowed before the Sunday
2.4following the expiration of the benefit year on a prior benefit account. Except as allowed
2.5under paragraph (b), an applicant may establish only one benefit account each 52 calendar
2.7 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2007 Supplement, section 268.085, subdivision 1, is
2.8amended to read:
2.9 Subdivision 1.
Eligibility conditions. An applicant may be eligible to receive
2.10unemployment benefits for any week if:
2.11 (1) the applicant has an active benefit account and has filed a continued request for
2.12unemployment benefits for that week under section
2.13 (2) the week for which unemployment benefits are requested is in the applicant's
2.14benefit year;
2.15 (3) the applicant was unemployed as defined in section
268.035, subdivision 26;
2.16 (4) the applicant was able to work and was available for suitable employment, and
2.17was actively seeking suitable employment. The applicant's weekly unemployment benefit
2.18amount is reduced one-fifth for each day the applicant is unable to work or is unavailable
2.19for suitable employment. If the computation of the reduced unemployment benefits is not
2.20a whole dollar, it is rounded down to the next lower whole dollar.
2.21This clause does not apply to an applicant who is in reemployment assistance training, or
2.22each day the applicant is on jury duty or serving as an election judge;
2.23 (5) the applicant has served a nonpayable waiting period of one week that the
2.24applicant is otherwise entitled to some amount of unemployment benefits. This clause
2.25does not apply if the applicant would have been entitled to federal disaster unemployment
2.26assistance because of a disaster in Minnesota, but for the applicant's establishment of a
2.27benefit account under section
268.07; and
2.28 (6) (5) the applicant has been participating in reemployment assistance services,
2.29such as job search and resume writing classes, if the applicant has been determined in
2.30need of reemployment assistance services by the commissioner, unless the applicant
2.31has good cause for failing to participate."
2.32Amend the title accordingly