1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1259 as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 14, strike the comma and insert a semicolon and reinstate the stricken
1.3"does not have"
1.4Page 2, lines 23 and 24, delete the new language and insert "
access to any of these
1.5documents, the voter may attest to the truthfulness of the contents of the application
1.6under penalty of perjury."
1.7Page 3, line 13, strike the comma and insert a semicolon and reinstate the stricken
1.8"does not have"
1.9Page 3, line 17, delete the new language and insert "
access to any of these
1.10documents, the voter may attest to the truthfulness of the contents of the application
1.11under penalty of perjury"
1.12Page 4, delete section 7
1.13Page 4, line 18, delete everything after "
1.14Page 4, delete line 19
1.15Page 4, line 20, delete everything before the period
1.16Page 4, line 25, delete the last "
1.17Page 4, delete line 26
1.18Page 4, line 27, delete everything before "
1.19Page 4, line 27, delete "
1.20Page 4, line 28, delete "
voter eligibility"
1.21Page 4, line 29, delete everything after the period
1.22Page 4, delete line 30
1.23Page 4, line 33, delete "
submitted" and insert "
1.24Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.25Amend the title accordingly