1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1274 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

1.3    "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 299C.65, subdivision 2, is amended to
1.5    Subd. 2. Task force. (a) The policy group shall appoint A task force to shall assist
1.6them the policy group in their its duties. The task force shall monitor, review, and report to
1.7the policy group on CriMNet-related projects and provide oversight to ongoing operations
1.8as directed by the policy group. The task force shall consist of the following members:
1.9    (1) two sheriffs recommended members appointed by the Minnesota Sheriffs
1.10Association, at least one of whom must be a sheriff;
1.11    (2) two police chiefs recommended members appointed by the Minnesota Chiefs of
1.12Police Association, at least one of whom must be a chief of police;
1.13    (3) two county attorneys recommended members appointed by the Minnesota
1.14County Attorneys Association, at least one of whom must be a county attorney;
1.15    (4) two city attorneys recommended members appointed by the Minnesota League
1.16of Cities representing the interests of city attorneys, at least one of whom must be a city
1.18    (5) two public defenders members appointed by the Board of Public Defense, at least
1.19one of whom must be a public defender;
1.20    (6) two district judges appointed by the Judicial Council, one of whom is currently
1.21assigned to the juvenile court at least one of whom has experience dealing with juvenile
1.22court matters;
1.23    (7) two community corrections administrators recommended appointed by the
1.24Minnesota Association of Counties, representing the interests of local corrections, at least
1.25one of whom represents a community corrections act county;
2.1    (8) two probation officers appointed by the commissioner of corrections in
2.2consultation with the president of the Minnesota Association of Community Corrections
2.3Act Counties and the president of the Minnesota Association of County Probation Officers;
2.4    (9) four public members appointed by the governor for a term of six years, one of
2.5whom has been a victim of crime represents the interests of victims, and two who of whom
2.6are representatives of the private business community who have expertise in integrated
2.7information systems and who for the purpose of meetings of the full task force may be
2.8compensated pursuant to section 15.059;
2.9    (10) two court administrators members appointed by the Minnesota Association for
2.10Court Management, at least one of whom must be a court administrator;
2.11    (11) one member of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the
2.13    (12) one member of the senate appointed by the majority leader;
2.14    (13) one member appointed by the attorney general or a designee;
2.15    (14) two individuals recommended elected officials appointed by the Minnesota
2.16League of Cities, one of whom works or resides in greater Minnesota and one of whom
2.17works or resides in the seven-county metropolitan area;
2.18    (15) two individuals recommended elected officials appointed by the Minnesota
2.19Association of Counties, one of whom works or resides in greater Minnesota and one of
2.20whom works or resides in the seven-county metropolitan area;
2.21    (16) the director of the Sentencing Guidelines Commission or a designee;
2.22    (17) one member appointed by the state chief information officer;
2.23    (18) one member appointed by the commissioner of public safety;
2.24    (19) one member appointed by the commissioner of corrections;
2.25    (20) one member appointed by the commissioner of administration; and
2.26    (21) one member appointed by the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
2.27    (b) In making these appointments, the appointing authority shall select members
2.28with expertise in integrated data systems or best practices.
2.29    (c) The commissioner of public safety may appoint additional, nonvoting members
2.30to the task force as necessary from time to time.
2.31EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2007.

2.32    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 299C.65, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
2.33    Subd. 5. Review of funding and grant requests. (a) The Criminal and Juvenile
2.34Justice Information Policy Group shall review the funding requests for criminal justice
2.35information systems from state, county, and municipal government agencies. The policy
3.1group shall review the requests for compatibility to statewide criminal justice information
3.2system standards. The review shall be forwarded to the chairs and ranking minority
3.3members of the house and senate committees and divisions with jurisdiction over criminal
3.4justice funding and policy.
3.5    (b) The CriMNet program office, in consultation with the Criminal and Juvenile
3.6Justice Information Task Force and with the approval of the policy group, shall create
3.7the requirements for any grant request and determine the integration priorities for the
3.8grant period. The CriMNet program office shall also review the requests submitted for
3.9compatibility to statewide criminal justice information systems standards.
3.10    (c) The task force shall review funding requests for criminal justice information
3.11systems grants and make recommendations to the policy group. The policy group shall
3.12review the recommendations of the task force and shall make a final recommendation
3.13for criminal justice information systems grants to be made by the commissioner of
3.14public safety. Within the limits of available state appropriations and federal grants, the
3.15commissioner of public safety shall make grants for projects that have been recommended
3.16by the policy group.
3.17    (d) The policy group may approve grants only if the applicant provides an
3.18appropriate share of matching funds as determined by the policy group to help pay up to
3.19one-half of the costs of the grant request. The matching requirement must be constant for
3.20all counties applicants within each grant offering. The policy group shall adopt policies
3.21concerning the use of in-kind resources to satisfy the match requirement and the sources
3.22from which matching funds may be obtained. Local operational or technology staffing
3.23costs may be considered as meeting this match requirement. Each grant recipient shall
3.24certify to the policy group that it has not reduced funds from local, county, federal, or
3.25other sources which, in the absence of the grant, would have been made available to the
3.26grant recipient to improve or integrate criminal justice technology.
3.27    (e) All grant recipients shall submit to the CriMNet program office all requested
3.28documentation including grant status, financial reports, and a final report evaluating how
3.29the grant funds improved the agency's criminal justice integration priorities. The CriMNet
3.30program office shall establish the recipient's reporting dates at the time funds are awarded.
3.31EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2007."
3.32Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.33Amend the title accordingly