1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1292 as follows:
1.2Page 3, after line 8, insert:
1.3 "Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 13.46, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
1.4 Subd. 2.
General. (a) Unless the data is summary data or a statute specifically
1.5provides a different classification, data on individuals collected, maintained, used, or
1.6disseminated by the welfare system is private data on individuals, and shall not be
1.7disclosed except:
1.8 (1) according to section
1.9 (2) according to court order;
1.10 (3) according to a statute specifically authorizing access to the private data;
1.11 (4) to an agent of the welfare system, including a law enforcement person, attorney,
1.12or investigator acting for it in the investigation or prosecution of a criminal or civil
1.13proceeding relating to the administration of a program;
1.14 (5) to personnel of the welfare system who require the data to verify an individual's
1.15identity; determine eligibility, amount of assistance, and the need to provide services to
1.16an individual or family across programs; evaluate the effectiveness of programs; and
1.17investigate suspected fraud;
1.18 (6) to administer federal funds or programs;
1.19 (7) between personnel of the welfare system working in the same program;
1.20 (8) to the Department of Revenue to administer and evaluate tax refund or tax credit
1.21programs and to identify individuals who may benefit from these programs. The following
1.22information may be disclosed under this paragraph: an individual's and their dependent's
1.23names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, income, addresses, and other data as
1.24required, upon request by the Department of Revenue. Disclosures by the commissioner
1.25of revenue to the commissioner of human services for the purposes described in this clause
1.26are governed by section
270B.14, subdivision 1. Tax refund or tax credit programs include,
1.27but are not limited to, the dependent care credit under section
290.067, the Minnesota
2.1working family credit under section
290.0671, the property tax refund and rental credit
2.2under section
290A.04, and the Minnesota education credit under section
2.3 (9) between the Department of Human Services, the Department of Education, and
2.4the Department of Employment and Economic Development for the purpose of monitoring
2.5the eligibility of the data subject for unemployment benefits, for any employment or
2.6training program administered, supervised, or certified by that agency, for the purpose of
2.7administering any rehabilitation program or child care assistance program, whether alone
2.8or in conjunction with the welfare system, or to monitor and evaluate the Minnesota
2.9family investment program
or the child care assistance program by exchanging data on
2.10recipients and former recipients of food support, cash assistance under chapter 256, 256D,
2.11256J, or 256K, child care assistance under chapter 119B, or medical programs under
2.12chapter 256B, 256D, or 256L;
2.13 (10) to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of
2.14the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the individual or other
2.15individuals or persons;
2.16 (11) data maintained by residential programs as defined in section
245A.02 may
2.17be disclosed to the protection and advocacy system established in this state according
2.18to Part C of Public Law 98-527 to protect the legal and human rights of persons with
2.19developmental disabilities or other related conditions who live in residential facilities for
2.20these persons if the protection and advocacy system receives a complaint by or on behalf
2.21of that person and the person does not have a legal guardian or the state or a designee of
2.22the state is the legal guardian of the person;
2.23 (12) to the county medical examiner or the county coroner for identifying or locating
2.24relatives or friends of a deceased person;
2.25 (13) data on a child support obligor who makes payments to the public agency
2.26may be disclosed to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education to the extent necessary to
2.27determine eligibility under section
136A.121, subdivision 2, clause (5);
2.28 (14) participant Social Security numbers and names collected by the telephone
2.29assistance program may be disclosed to the Department of Revenue to conduct an
2.30electronic data match with the property tax refund database to determine eligibility under
237.70, subdivision 4a;
2.32 (15) the current address of a Minnesota family investment program participant
2.33may be disclosed to law enforcement officers who provide the name of the participant
2.34and notify the agency that:
2.35 (i) the participant:
3.1 (A) is a fugitive felon fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after
3.2conviction, for a crime or attempt to commit a crime that is a felony under the laws of the
3.3jurisdiction from which the individual is fleeing; or
3.4 (B) is violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under state or federal law;
3.5 (ii) the location or apprehension of the felon is within the law enforcement officer's
3.6official duties; and
3.7 (iii) the request is made in writing and in the proper exercise of those duties;
3.8 (16) the current address of a recipient of general assistance or general assistance
3.9medical care may be disclosed to probation officers and corrections agents who are
3.10supervising the recipient and to law enforcement officers who are investigating the
3.11recipient in connection with a felony level offense;
3.12 (17) information obtained from food support applicant or recipient households may
3.13be disclosed to local, state, or federal law enforcement officials, upon their written request,
3.14for the purpose of investigating an alleged violation of the Food Stamp Act, according
3.15to Code of Federal Regulations, title 7, section 272.1(c);
3.16 (18) the address, Social Security number, and, if available, photograph of any
3.17member of a household receiving food support shall be made available, on request, to a
3.18local, state, or federal law enforcement officer if the officer furnishes the agency with the
3.19name of the member and notifies the agency that:
3.20 (i) the member:
3.21 (A) is fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction, for a
3.22crime or attempt to commit a crime that is a felony in the jurisdiction the member is fleeing;
3.23 (B) is violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under state or federal
3.24law; or
3.25 (C) has information that is necessary for the officer to conduct an official duty related
3.26to conduct described in subitem (A) or (B);
3.27 (ii) locating or apprehending the member is within the officer's official duties; and
3.28 (iii) the request is made in writing and in the proper exercise of the officer's official
3.30 (19) the current address of a recipient of Minnesota family investment program,
3.31general assistance, general assistance medical care, or food support may be disclosed to
3.32law enforcement officers who, in writing, provide the name of the recipient and notify the
3.33agency that the recipient is a person required to register under section
243.166, but is not
3.34residing at the address at which the recipient is registered under section
3.35 (20) certain information regarding child support obligors who are in arrears may be
3.36made public according to section
4.1 (21) data on child support payments made by a child support obligor and data on
4.2the distribution of those payments excluding identifying information on obligees may be
4.3disclosed to all obligees to whom the obligor owes support, and data on the enforcement
4.4actions undertaken by the public authority, the status of those actions, and data on the
4.5income of the obligor or obligee may be disclosed to the other party;
4.6 (22) data in the work reporting system may be disclosed under section
4.7subdivision 7
4.8 (23) to the Department of Education for the purpose of matching Department of
4.9Education student data with public assistance data to determine students eligible for free
4.10and reduced price meals, meal supplements, and free milk according to United States
4.11Code, title 42, sections 1758, 1761, 1766, 1766a, 1772, and 1773; to allocate federal and
4.12state funds that are distributed based on income of the student's family; and to verify
4.13receipt of energy assistance for the telephone assistance plan;
4.14 (24) the current address and telephone number of program recipients and emergency
4.15contacts may be released to the commissioner of health or a local board of health as
4.16defined in section
145A.02, subdivision 2, when the commissioner or local board of health
4.17has reason to believe that a program recipient is a disease case, carrier, suspect case, or at
4.18risk of illness, and the data are necessary to locate the person;
4.19 (25) to other state agencies, statewide systems, and political subdivisions of this
4.20state, including the attorney general, and agencies of other states, interstate information
4.21networks, federal agencies, and other entities as required by federal regulation or law for
4.22the administration of the child support enforcement program;
4.23 (26) to personnel of public assistance programs as defined in section
256.741, for
4.24access to the child support system database for the purpose of administration, including
4.25monitoring and evaluation of those public assistance programs;
4.26 (27) to monitor and evaluate the Minnesota family investment program by
4.27exchanging data between the Departments of Human Services and Education, on
4.28recipients and former recipients of food support, cash assistance under chapter 256, 256D,
4.29256J, or 256K, child care assistance under chapter 119B, or medical programs under
4.30chapter 256B, 256D, or 256L;
4.31 (28) to evaluate child support program performance and to identify and prevent
4.32fraud in the child support program by exchanging data between the Department of Human
4.33Services, Department of Revenue under section
270B.14, subdivision 1, paragraphs (a)
4.34and (b), without regard to the limitation of use in paragraph (c), Department of Health,
4.35Department of Employment and Economic Development, and other state agencies as is
4.36reasonably necessary to perform these functions; or
5.1 (29) counties operating child care assistance programs under chapter 119B may
5.2disseminate data on program participants, applicants, and providers to the commissioner
5.3of education.
5.4 (b) Information on persons who have been treated for drug or alcohol abuse may
5.5only be disclosed according to the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, title
5.642, sections 2.1 to
5.7 (c) Data provided to law enforcement agencies under paragraph (a), clause (15),
5.8(16), (17), or (18), or paragraph (b), are investigative data and are confidential or protected
5.9nonpublic while the investigation is active. The data are private after the investigation
5.10becomes inactive under section
13.82, subdivision 5, paragraph (a) or (b).
5.11 (d) Mental health data shall be treated as provided in subdivisions 7, 8, and 9, but is
5.12not subject to the access provisions of subdivision 10, paragraph (b).
5.13 For the purposes of this subdivision, a request will be deemed to be made in writing
5.14if made through a computer interface system.
5.15 Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 16D.13, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
5.16 Subd. 3.
Exclusion. A state agency may not charge interest under this section on
5.17overpayments of assistance benefits under the programs formerly codified in sections
256.72 to
256.87, and under chapters
119B, 256D and 256I, or the
5.19federal food stamp program. Notwithstanding this prohibition, any debts that have been
5.20reduced to judgment under these programs are subject to the interest charges provided
5.21under section
5.22Page 4, after line 27, insert:
5.23 "Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 119B.125, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
5.24 Subd. 2.
Persons who cannot be authorized. (a) A person who meets any of the
5.25conditions under paragraphs (b) to (n) must not be authorized as a legal nonlicensed
5.26family child care provider. To determine whether any of the listed conditions exist,
5.27the county must request information about the provider from the Bureau of Criminal
5.28Apprehension, the juvenile courts, and social service agencies. When one of the listed
5.29entities does not maintain information on a statewide basis, the county must contact the
5.30entity in the county where the provider resides and any other county in which the provider
5.31previously resided in the past year. For purposes of this subdivision, a finding that a
5.32delinquency petition is proven in juvenile court must be considered a conviction in state
5.33district court. If a county has determined that a provider is able to be authorized in that
5.34county, and a family in another county later selects that provider, the provider is able to
5.35be authorized in the second county without undergoing a new background investigation
5.36unless one of the following conditions exists:
6.1 (1) two years have passed since the first authorization;
6.2 (2) another person age 13 or older has joined the provider's household since the
6.3last authorization;
6.4 (3) a current household member has turned 13 since the last authorization; or
6.5 (4) there is reason to believe that a household member has a factor that prevents
6.7 (b) The person has been convicted of one of the following offenses or has admitted to
6.8committing or a preponderance of the evidence indicates that the person has committed an
6.9act that meets the definition of one of the following offenses: sections
609.185 to
6.10murder in the first, second, or third degree;
609.2661 to
609.2663, murder of an unborn
6.11child in the first, second, or third degree;
609.322, solicitation, inducement, promotion
6.12of prostitution, or receiving profit from prostitution;
609.342 to
609.345, criminal sexual
6.13conduct in the first, second, third, or fourth degree;
609.352, solicitation of children to
6.14engage in sexual conduct;
609.365, incest;
609.377, felony malicious punishment of a
617.246, use of minors in sexual performance;
617.247, possession of pictorial
6.16representation of a minor;
609.2242 to
609.2243, felony domestic assault; a felony offense
6.17of spousal abuse; a felony offense of child abuse or neglect; a felony offense of a crime
6.18against children; or an attempt or conspiracy to commit any of these offenses as defined in
6.19Minnesota Statutes; or an offense in any other state or country where the elements are
6.20substantially similar to any of the offenses listed in this paragraph.
6.21 (c) Less than 15 years have passed since the discharge of the sentence imposed for
6.22the offense and the person has received a felony conviction for one of the following
6.23offenses, or the person has admitted to committing or a preponderance of the evidence
6.24indicates that the person has committed an act that meets the definition of a felony
6.25conviction for one of the following offenses: sections
609.20 to
609.205, manslaughter in
6.26the first or second degree;
609.21, criminal vehicular homicide;
609.215, aiding suicide
6.27or aiding attempted suicide;
609.221 to
609.2231, assault in the first, second, third, or
6.28fourth degree;
609.224, repeat offenses of fifth degree assault;
609.228, great bodily
6.29harm caused by distribution of drugs;
609.2325, criminal abuse of a vulnerable adult;
, financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult;
609.235, use of drugs to injure or
6.31facilitate a crime;
609.24, simple robbery;
617.241, repeat offenses of obscene materials
6.32and performances;
609.245, aggravated robbery;
609.25, kidnapping;
609.255, false
609.2664 to
609.2665, manslaughter of an unborn child in the first or
6.34second degree;
609.267 to
609.2672, assault of an unborn child in the first, second, or third
609.268, injury or death of an unborn child in the commission of a crime;
609.275, attempt to coerce;
609.324, subdivision 1, other prohibited acts, minor
7.1engaged in prostitution;
609.3451, repeat offenses of criminal sexual conduct in the fifth
609.378, neglect or endangerment of a child;
609.52, theft;
609.521, possession of
7.3shoplifting gear;
609.561 to
609.563, arson in the first, second, or third degree;
7.4burglary in the first, second, third, or fourth degree;
609.625, aggravated forgery;
609.631, check forgery, offering a forged check;
609.635, obtaining signature
7.6by false pretenses;
609.66, dangerous weapon;
609.665, setting a spring gun;
7.7unlawfully owning, possessing, or operating a machine gun;
609.687, adulteration;
609.713, terrorist threats;
609.749, harassment, stalking;
260C.301, termination of
7.9parental rights;
152.021 to
152.022 and
152.0262, controlled substance crime in the first
7.10or second degree;
152.023, subdivision 1, clause (3) or (4), or
152.023, subdivision 2,
7.11clause (4), controlled substance crime in third degree;
152.024, subdivision 1, clause
7.12(2), (3), or (4), controlled substance crime in fourth degree;
617.23, repeat offenses of
7.13indecent exposure; an attempt or conspiracy to commit any of these offenses as defined in
7.14Minnesota Statutes; or an offense in any other state or country where the elements are
7.15substantially similar to any of the offenses listed in this paragraph.
7.16 (d) Less than ten years have passed since the discharge of the sentence imposed for
7.17the offense and the person has received a gross misdemeanor conviction for one of the
7.18following offenses or the person has admitted to committing or a preponderance of the
7.19evidence indicates that the person has committed an act that meets the definition of a gross
7.20misdemeanor conviction for one of the following offenses: sections
609.224, fifth degree
609.2242 to
609.2243, domestic assault;
518B.01, subdivision 14, violation of
7.22an order for protection;
609.3451, fifth degree criminal sexual conduct;
609.746, repeat
7.23offenses of interference with privacy;
617.23, repeat offenses of indecent exposure;
, obscene materials and performances;
617.243, indecent literature, distribution;
, disseminating or displaying harmful material to minors;
609.71, riot;
7.26dangerous weapons;
609.749, harassment, stalking;
609.224, subdivision 2, paragraph
7.27(c), fifth degree assault against a vulnerable adult by a caregiver;
609.23, mistreatment
7.28of persons confined;
609.231, mistreatment of residents or patients;
609.2325, criminal
7.29abuse of a vulnerable adult;
609.2335, financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult;
, criminal neglect of a vulnerable adult;
609.234, failure to report maltreatment of
7.31a vulnerable adult;
609.72, subdivision 3, disorderly conduct against a vulnerable adult;
, abduction;
609.378, neglect or endangerment of a child;
609.377, malicious
7.33punishment of a child;
609.324, subdivision 1a, other prohibited acts, minor engaged
7.34in prostitution;
609.33, disorderly house;
609.52, theft;
609.582, burglary in the first,
7.35second, third, or fourth degree;
609.631, check forgery, offering a forged check;
7.36attempt to coerce; an attempt or conspiracy to commit any of these offenses as defined in
8.1Minnesota Statutes; or an offense in any other state or country where the elements are
8.2substantially similar to any of the offenses listed in this paragraph.
8.3 (e) Less than seven years have passed since the discharge of the sentence imposed
8.4for the offense and the person has received a misdemeanor conviction for one of the
8.5following offenses or the person has admitted to committing or a preponderance of
8.6the evidence indicates that the person has committed an act that meets the definition
8.7of a misdemeanor conviction for one of the following offenses: sections
609.224, fifth
8.8degree assault;
609.2242, domestic assault;
518B.01, violation of an order for protection;
, violation of an order for protection;
609.746, interference with privacy;
8.10obscene or harassing telephone calls;
609.795, letter, telegram, or package opening,
617.23, indecent exposure;
609.2672, assault of an unborn child, third degree;
, dissemination and display of harmful materials to minors;
609.66, dangerous
609.665, spring guns; an attempt or conspiracy to commit any of these offenses
8.14as defined in Minnesota Statutes; or an offense in any other state or country where the
8.15elements are substantially similar to any of the offenses listed in this paragraph.
8.16 (f) The person has been identified by the child protection agency in the county where
8.17the provider resides or a county where the provider has resided or by the statewide child
8.18protection database as a person found by a preponderance of evidence under section
to be responsible for physical or sexual abuse of a child within the last seven years.
8.20 (g) The person has been identified by the adult protection agency in the county
8.21where the provider resides or a county where the provider has resided or by the statewide
8.22adult protection database as the person responsible for abuse or neglect of a vulnerable
8.23adult within the last seven years.
8.24 (h) The person has refused to give written consent for disclosure of criminal history
8.26 (i) The person has been denied a family child care license or has received a fine or a
8.27sanction as a licensed child care provider that has not been reversed on appeal.
8.28 (j) The person has a family child care licensing disqualification that has not been
8.29set aside.
8.30 (k) The person has admitted or a county has found that there is a preponderance of
8.31evidence that fraudulent information was given to the county for child care assistance
8.32application purposes or was used in submitting child care assistance bills for payment.
8.33 (l) The person has been convicted of the crime of theft by wrongfully obtaining
8.34public assistance
or has been found guilty of wrongfully obtaining public assistance by a
8.35federal court, state court, or an administrative hearing determination or waiver, through a
9.1disqualification consent agreement, as part of an approved diversion plan under section
9.2401.065, or a court-ordered stay with probationary or other conditions.
9.3 (m) The person has a household member age 13 or older who has access to children
9.4during the hours that care is provided and who meets one of the conditions listed in
9.5paragraphs (b) to (l).
9.6 (n) The person has a household member ages ten to 12 who has access to children
9.7during the hours that care is provided; information or circumstances exist which provide
9.8the county with articulable suspicion that further pertinent information may exist showing
9.9the household member meets one of the conditions listed in paragraphs (b) to (l); and the
9.10household member actually meets one of the conditions listed in paragraphs (b) to (l).
9.11 Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 119B.13, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
9.12 Subdivision 1.
Subsidy restrictions. (a) Beginning July 1, 2006, the maximum rate
9.13paid for child care assistance in any county or multicounty region under the child care
9.14fund shall be the rate for like-care arrangements in the county effective January 1, 2006,
9.15increased by six percent.
9.16 (b) Rate changes shall be implemented for services provided in September 2006
9.17unless a participant eligibility redetermination or a new provider agreement is completed
9.18between July 1, 2006, and August 31, 2006.
9.19 As necessary, appropriate notice of adverse action must be made according to
9.20Minnesota Rules, part
3400.0185, subparts 3 and 4.
9.21 New cases approved on or after July 1, 2006, shall have the maximum rates under
9.22paragraph (a), implemented immediately.
9.23 (c) Not less than once every two years, the commissioner shall survey rates
9.24charged by child care providers in Minnesota to determine the 75th percentile for
9.25like-care arrangements in counties. When the commissioner determines that, using the
9.26commissioner's established protocol, the number of providers responding to the survey is
9.27too small to determine the 75th percentile rate for like-care arrangements in a county or
9.28multicounty region, the commissioner may establish the 75th percentile maximum rate
9.29based on like-care arrangements in a county, region, or category that the commissioner
9.30deems to be similar.
9.31 (d) A rate which includes a special needs rate paid under subdivision 3 may be in
9.32excess of the maximum rate allowed under this subdivision.
9.33 (e) The department shall monitor the effect of this paragraph on provider rates. The
9.34county shall pay the provider's full charges for every child in care up to the maximum
9.35established. The commissioner shall determine the maximum rate for each type of care on
9.36an hourly, full-day, and weekly basis, including special needs and disability care.
10.1 (f) When the provider charge is greater than the maximum provider rate allowed,
10.2the parent is responsible for payment of the difference in the rates in addition to any
10.3family co-payment fee.
10.4 (g) All maximum provider rate changes shall be implemented on the Monday
10.5following the effective date of the maximum provider rate.
10.6 Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 119B.13, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:
10.7 Subd. 3a.
Provider rate differential for accreditation. A family child care
10.8provider or child care center shall be paid a 15 percent differential above the maximum
10.9rate established in subdivision 1, up to the actual provider rate, if the provider or
10.10center holds a current early childhood development credential or is accredited. For a
10.11family child care provider, early childhood development credential and accreditation
10.12includes an individual who has earned a child development associate degree, a diploma
10.13in child development from a Minnesota state technical college, or a bachelor's
10.14post baccalaureate degree in early childhood education from an accredited college or
10.15university, or who is accredited by the National Association for Family Child Care or
10.16the Competency Based Training and Assessment Program. For a child care center,
10.17accreditation includes accreditation by the National Association for the Education of
10.18Young Children, the Council on Accreditation, the National Early Childhood Program
10.19Accreditation, the National School-Age Care Association, or the National Head Start
10.20Association Program of Excellence. For Montessori programs, accreditation includes
10.21the American Montessori Society, Association of Montessori International-USA, or the
10.22National Center for Montessori Education."
10.23Page 5, after line 24, insert:
10.24 "Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 256.017, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
10.25 Subdivision 1.
Authority and purpose. The commissioner shall administer a
10.26compliance system for the Minnesota family investment program, the food stamp or food
10.27support program, emergency assistance, general assistance, medical assistance, general
10.28assistance medical care, emergency general assistance, Minnesota supplemental assistance,
10.29preadmission screening,
and alternative care grants
, and the child care assistance program
10.30under the powers and authorities named in section
256.01, subdivision 2. The purpose of
10.31the compliance system is to permit the commissioner to supervise the administration of
10.32public assistance programs and to enforce timely and accurate distribution of benefits,
10.33completeness of service and efficient and effective program management and operations,
10.34to increase uniformity and consistency in the administration and delivery of public
10.35assistance programs throughout the state, and to reduce the possibility of sanctions and
10.36fiscal disallowances for noncompliance with federal regulations and state statutes.
11.1 The commissioner shall utilize training, technical assistance, and monitoring
11.2activities, as specified in section
256.01, subdivision 2, to encourage county agency
11.3compliance with written policies and procedures.
11.4 Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 256.017, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
11.5 Subd. 9.
Timing and disposition of penalty and case disallowance funds. Quality
11.6control case penalty and administrative penalty amounts shall be disallowed or withheld
11.7from the next regular reimbursement made to the county agency for state and federal
11.8benefit reimbursements and federal administrative reimbursements for all programs
11.9covered in this section, according to procedures established in statute, but shall not be
11.10imposed sooner than 30 calendar days from the date of written notice of such penalties.
11.11Except for penalties withheld under the child care assistance program, all penalties
11.12must be deposited in the county incentive fund provided in section
11.13withheld under the child care assistance program shall be reallocated to counties using the
11.14allocation formula under section 119B.03, subdivision 5. All penalties must be imposed
11.15according to this provision until a decision is made regarding the status of a written
11.16exception. Penalties must be returned to county agencies when a review of a written
11.17exception results in a decision in their favor.
11.18 Sec. .... Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 270B.14, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
11.19 Subdivision 1.
Disclosure to commissioner of human services. (a) On the request
11.20of the commissioner of human services, the commissioner shall disclose return information
11.21regarding taxes imposed by chapter 290, and claims for refunds under chapter 290A, to
11.22the extent provided in paragraph (b) and for the purposes set forth in paragraph (c).
11.23 (b) Data that may be disclosed are limited to data relating to the identity,
11.24whereabouts, employment, income, and property of a person owing or alleged to be owing
11.25an obligation of child support.
11.26 (c) The commissioner of human services may request data only for the purposes of
11.27carrying out the child support enforcement program and to assist in the location of parents
11.28who have, or appear to have, deserted their children. Data received may be used only
11.29as set forth in section
11.30 (d) The commissioner shall provide the records and information necessary to
11.31administer the supplemental housing allowance to the commissioner of human services.
11.32 (e) At the request of the commissioner of human services, the commissioner of
11.33revenue shall electronically match the Social Security numbers and names of participants
11.34in the telephone assistance plan operated under sections
237.69 to
237.711, with those of
11.35property tax refund filers, and determine whether each participant's household income is
11.36within the eligibility standards for the telephone assistance plan.
12.1 (f) The commissioner may provide records and information collected under sections
295.59 to the commissioner of human services for purposes of the Medicaid
12.3Voluntary Contribution and Provider-Specific Tax Amendments of 1991, Public Law
12.4102-234. Upon the written agreement by the United States Department of Health and
12.5Human Services to maintain the confidentiality of the data, the commissioner may provide
12.6records and information collected under sections
295.50 to
295.59 to the Centers for
12.7Medicare and Medicaid Services section of the United States Department of Health and
12.8Human Services for purposes of meeting federal reporting requirements.
12.9 (g) The commissioner may provide records and information to the commissioner of
12.10human services as necessary to administer the early refund of refundable tax credits.
12.11 (h) The commissioner may disclose information to the commissioner of human
12.12services necessary to verify income for eligibility and premium payment under the
12.13MinnesotaCare program, under section
256L.05, subdivision 2.
12.14 (i) The commissioner may disclose information to the commissioner of human
12.15services necessary to verify whether applicants or recipients for the Minnesota family
12.16investment program, general assistance, food support,
and Minnesota supplemental aid
, and child care assistance have claimed refundable tax credits under chapter 290
12.18and the property tax refund under chapter 290A, and the amounts of the credits."
12.19Page 8, after line 15, insert:
12.20 "Sec. ....
12.21Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 119B.08, is repealed effective July 1, 2007."
12.22Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
12.23Amend the title accordingly