1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1325 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 Subdivision 1. Programs authorized. A school district may offer a prekindergarten
1.5program for four-year-olds upon approval of the commissioner of education. A school
1.6district must submit its program application to the commissioner in the form and manner
1.7required by the commissioner.
1.8 Subd. 2. Program characteristics. A prekindergarten program must prepare
1.9children for kindergarten and include the following:
1.10 (1) compensatory instruction that accelerates children's language and literacy skills
1.11and mathematical thinking;
1.12 (2) instructional content and activities that are of sufficient length and intensity to
1.13address learning needs;
1.14 (3) an assessment of each child's cognitive skills when the child enters and again
1.15before the child leaves the program to inform program planning and promote kindergarten
1.17 (4) teachers trained in child development and early education instruction; and
1.18 (5) class sizes of less than 20 children and child staff ratios of 10 to 1 or less.
1.19 Each child participating in a prekindergarten program must have a learning plan
1.20created by the family and teacher designed to meet each child's stage of development and
1.21learning style. Teachers must participate in regular professional development activities
1.22to keep current on best practices.
1.23 Subd. 3. Pupil eligibility. A child may participate in a prekindergarten program if
1.24the child:
1.25 (1) is at least four years old on September 1;
2.1 (2) has completed the developmental screening under sections 121A.16 to 121A.19;
2.3 (3) qualifies for free and reduced lunch, or is an English language learning child who
2.4is four years old on September 1.
2.5EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2007.
2.6 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 126C.05, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
2.7 Subdivision 1.
Pupil unit. Pupil units for each Minnesota resident pupil under the
2.8age of 21 or who meets the requirements of section
120A.20, subdivision 1, paragraph
2.9(c), in average daily membership enrolled in the district of residence, in another district
2.10under sections
123A.05 to
124D.08, or
2.11in a charter school under section
124D.10; or for whom the resident district pays tuition
2.12under section
2.13subdivision 4
125A.03 to
125A.51, or
125A.65, shall be
2.14counted according to this subdivision.
2.15 (a) A prekindergarten pupil with a disability who is enrolled in a program approved
2.16by the commissioner and has an individual education plan is counted as the ratio of the
2.17number of hours of assessment and education service to 825 times
1.25 with a minimum
2.18average daily membership of 0.28, but not more than
1.25 pupil units.
2.19 (b) A prekindergarten pupil who is assessed but determined not to be disabled is
2.20counted as the ratio of the number of hours of assessment service to 825 times
2.21 (c) A kindergarten pupil with a disability who is enrolled in a program approved
2.22by the commissioner is counted as the ratio of the number of hours of assessment and
2.23education services required in the fiscal year by the pupil's individual education program
2.24plan to 875, but not more than one.
2.25 (d) A kindergarten pupil
, and any pupil participating in a prekindergarten program
2.26under section 124D.165, who is not included in paragraph (c) is counted as .557 of a
2.27pupil unit for fiscal year 2000 and thereafter.
2.28 (e) A pupil who is in any of grades 1 to 3 is counted as
1.115 pupil units for fiscal
2.29year 2000 and thereafter.
2.30 (f) A pupil who is any of grades 4 to 6 is counted as
1.06 pupil units for fiscal
2.31year 1995 and thereafter.
2.32 (g) A pupil who is in any of grades 7 to 12 is counted as
1.3 pupil units.
2.33 (h) A pupil who is in the postsecondary enrollment options program is counted
1.3 pupil units.
2.35EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for revenue for fiscal year 2008.
3.1 Sec. 3.
3.2Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 126C.10, subdivisions 31a and 31b, are repealed.
3.3EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for revenue for fiscal year 2008."
3.4Amend the title accordingly