1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1351, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 42, after line 10, insert:
1.4 "Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 473.3993, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.5 Subdivision 1.
Application. The definitions in this section apply to
1.6473.3994 sections 473.3993 to 473.3997.
1.7 Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 473.3993, is amended by adding a
1.8subdivision to read:
1.9 Subd. 4. Responsible authority. "Responsible authority" means either the
1.10Metropolitan Council or the state of Minnesota acting through the commissioner of
1.11transportation, as designated by the governor under section 473.3994, subdivision 1a,
1.12for a particular light rail transit facility."
1.13Page 42, lines 29 to 35, delete the new language and strike the old language
1.14Page 46, after line 9, insert:
1.15 "Sec. 20.
1.16 (a) A responsible authority may use a design-build method of project development
1.17and construction for light rail transit. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a
1.18responsible authority may award a design-build contract on the basis of requests for
1.19proposals or requests for qualifications without bids. "Design-build method of project
1.20development and construction" means a project delivery system in which a single
1.21contractor is responsible for both the design and construction of the project and bids the
1.22design and construction together.
1.23 (b) If a responsible authority utilizes a design-build method of project development
1.24and construction for light rail transit, the requirements and procedures in sections 161.3410
1.25to 161.3426 apply to the procurement, subject to the following conditions and exceptions:
2.1 (1) if the Metropolitan Council is the responsible authority for a particular light rail
2.2transit project, when used in sections 161.3410 to 161.3426, (i) the terms "commissioner,"
2.3"Minnesota Department of Transportation," "department," "state agencies" and "road
2.4authority" refer to the Metropolitan Council, and (ii) the term "state" refers to the
2.5Metropolitan Council except in references to state law or in references to the state as
2.6a geographical location;
2.7 (2) the provisions of section 161.3412, subdivisions 3 and 4, are not applicable
2.8to the procurement; and
2.9 (3) if any federal funds are used in developing or constructing the light rail transit
2.10project, any provisions in sections 161.3410 to 161.3426 that are inconsistent with, or
2.11prohibited by, any federal law, regulation, or other requirement are not applicable to
2.12the procurement."
2.13Page 43, line 7, delete everything after the period
2.14Page 43, delete line 8
2.15Page 43, line 9, delete "
2.16Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.17Amend the title accordingly