1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1508 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 Subdivision 1. Short title. This section may be cited as the Textbook Disclosure,
1.5Pricing and Access Act.
1.6 Subd. 2. Purpose and intent.
1.7 The purpose of this act is to ensure that every student in higher education is offered
1.8better and more timely access to affordable course materials by educating and informing
1.9faculty, students, administrators, institutions, bookstores, and publishers on all aspects
1.10of the selection, purchase, sales, and use of the materials. It is the policy of the state of
1.11Minnesota that all involved parties must work together to identify ways to decrease the
1.12cost of course materials for students while protecting the academic freedom of faculty
1.13members to provide high quality course materials for students.
1.14 Subd. 3. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions
1.15have the meaning given.
1.16 (1) "Bundled" means any course material packaged together to be sold for one price.
1.17 (2) "Bookstore" means a store that is affiliated with a postsecondary institution or
1.18has a contract with a postsecondary institution to sell course materials to students enrolled
1.19at the postsecondary institution.
1.20 (3) "Course material" means textbooks as defined in section 297A.67, subdivision
1.2113, custom course materials, and instructional materials as defined in section 297A.67,
1.22subdivision 13a, sold to students by a bookstore in a bundled or unbundled form.
1.23 (4) "Custom course materials" means any combination of textbooks, course
1.24materials, or any part thereof that has been customized, produced, and sold by a distributor
1.25or publisher specifically for a specific course, program, or field of study.
2.1 (5) "Distributor" means an independent contractor, including its employees or agents,
2.2that is in the business of selling, distributing, advertising, marketing, or maintaining an
2.3inventory of course materials for a postsecondary institution or bookstore.
2.4 (6) "Postsecondary institution" means a Minnesota institution defined under section
2.5136A.101, subdivision 4.
2.6 (7) "Publisher" means a publishing house, firm or business, including its employees
2.7or agents, acting with authority of the publisher that publishes, sells, markets, or maintains
2.8an inventory of course materials to a postsecondary institution or bookstore.
2.9 Subd. 4. Publisher disclosures.
2.10 (a) Beginning January 1, 2008, a publisher or distributor must post on its Web site
2.11or include in a catalog or disclose in writing to a faculty member or other individual at a
2.12postsecondary institution responsible for selecting course material within seven days of
2.13a request, at least the following:
2.14 (1) the title, edition, author, and International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of all
2.15course material and custom course materials, if applicable;
2.16 (2) the price for the course material;
2.17 (3) whether the required course material is bundled with optional material, whether
2.18it can be unbundled, and the price for each bundled and unbundled component;
2.19 (4) whether the material is available in an alternative format and the cost for the
2.20alternatively formatted material; and
2.21 (5) summary of revisions to requested course material for the previous edition or
2.22release for materials that have been in circulation for five years or less and a detailed
2.23breakdown of revisions must be made available in writing within seven days of the request.
2.24 (b) A publisher or distributor must make all bundled course materials available to
2.25bookstores or postsecondary institutions in an unbundled form or provide written or verbal
2.26notice within seven days of a request under this subdivision if the unbundled materials are
2.27not available.
2.28 (c) A publisher or distributor must post on its Web site, include in its marketing
2.29materials or disclose in writing when a request is made under this subdivision for the
2.30return policy for course material, including any penalties or conditions for returns.
2.31 Subd. 5. Payment for course material. Each postsecondary institution must adopt
2.32policies that allow students to add the costs of course material purchased at a bookstore
2.33to existing waivers or payment plans for tuition and fees.
2.34 Subd. 6. Notice to purchase. (a) An instructor shall make reasonable efforts to
2.35notify a bookstore of the final order for required and recommended course material
3.1including, but not limited to, alternative formats, previous editions, or custom course
3.2materials at least30 days prior to the commencement of the term.
3.3 (b) The bookstore must notify students of the following information concerning the
3.4required and recommended course material at least 15 days prior to the commencement of
3.5the term for which the course material is required, including, but not limited to:
3.6 (1) the title, edition, author, and International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of
3.7the course material;
3.8 (2) the price for the course material;
3.9 (3) whether the required course material is bundled with optional material, whether
3.10it can be unbundled, and the price for each bundled and unbundled component; and
3.11 (4) whether the material is available in an alternative format and the cost for the
3.12alternatively formatted material.
3.13 Subd. 7. Educational strategies. (a) During the biennium ending June 30, 2009,
3.14the Minnesota Office of Higher Education shall work with postsecondary institutions
3.15to develop educational materials based upon the findings of the Minnesota Textbook
3.16Advisory Task Force recommendations and other relevant information, convene and
3.17sponsor meetings and workshops, and provide educational materials for faculty, students,
3.18administrators, institutions, bookstores, and publishers in order to educate all interested
3.19parties on strategies for reducing the costs of course materials for students attending
3.20postsecondary institutions.
3.21 (b) The Minnesota Office of Higher Education must develop and maintain a
3.22standardized request form for publisher disclosure under this section with all required
3.23information. The request form must be in an electronic format that can be downloaded
3.24from the office Web site.
3.25 Sec. 2.
3.26 (a) The Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must
3.27develop one or more pilot textbook rental programs for implementation in the 2008-2009
3.28academic year. The board may select a campus or a program that is offered on multiple
3.29campuses, with an enrollment of at least 1,500 students for the pilot projects. The board
3.30must design a program that is operated to be self-sustaining and that is optional for
3.31students at the selected campus or in the selected program. By January 2, 2008, the board
3.32must report to the committees of the legislature with primary responsibility for higher
3.33education finance with a plan for the pilot project.
3.34 (b) A participating campus or program may adopt policies and procedures to
3.35implement the pilot program. Participants must annually report to the Board of Trustees,
3.36the Office of Higher Education, and the senate and house committees with primary
4.1jurisdiction over higher education policy and finance on the pilot programs. The reports
4.2must include the following information:
4.3 (1) policies and procedures established to implement the program;
4.4 (2) cost-savings achieved for students renting textbooks;
4.5 (3) student satisfaction with and participation in the program;
4.6 (4) faculty satisfaction with the program; and
4.7 (5) administrative costs associated with implementing the program.
4.8 Sec. 3.
4.9 (a) $50,000 is appropriated for fiscal year 2008 from the general fund to the Board
4.10of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities for design and for initial
4.11costs of the pilot textbook rental program under section 2.
4.12 (b) $200 per participating student in a textbook rental program, up to a maximum of
4.13$300,000 in fiscal year 2009, is appropriated from the general fund to the Board of Trustees
4.14for the start-up costs of the pilot textbook rental program. This is a onetime appropriation."
4.15Amend the title accordingly