1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1514 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 A city or town shall impose an aggregate host fee, not to exceed 11 cents per cubic
1.5yard or 8 cents per ton in accordance with the measurement used for transport from the
1.6extraction site or sale of aggregate material removed from any city or town. Twenty-five
1.7percent of the aggregate host fee revenue must be used by the city or town only for the
1.8purposes of mitigating and compensating for the adverse effects of aggregate mining
1.9material. The remainder of the aggregate host fee may be credited to the general fund or
1.10other designated fund of the city or town. The reporting and payment of fees under this
1.11section shall be administered in the same manner as an aggregate removal tax under
1.12section 298.75, except that if the county does not impost an aggregate removal tax, the
1.13city or town is deemed the "county" for the purposes of reporting and payment."
1.14Delete the title and insert:
1.16relating to local government; requiring cities and towns to impose aggregate host
1.17fees;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 298."