1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1726 as follows:
1.2Page 4, line 28, after the semicolon, insert "
1.3Page 4, line 29, delete "
1.4Page 4, delete lines 30 and 31
1.5Page 9, line 19, delete everything after "
1.6Page 9, line 20 delete everything before "
a provider"
1.7Page 9, line 30, delete everything after "
1.8Page 9, delete line 31
1.9Page 10, line 1, delete "
or representation of consent"
1.10Page 10, line 2, delete "
or representation of consent"
1.11Page 10, line 5, delete "
or representation of consent"
1.12Page 10, line 6, delete "
or representation of consent"
1.13Page 10, line 8, delete "
or representation of consent"